:twisted: :twisted: I heard this on the radio several days ago... <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/oGTEGfEoEJo?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vxTopkOX61w?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0"></iframe>
So I'm betting that of the 2 millions who moved from Cal. to Texas that most were hosts and not the parasites.
My beloved home state has been dying since the Gerrymandering revolution that took place during the Clinton years. I can't count all the times I've mentioned this here in the back room. What am I? A 5th or 6th generation Californian? For a white guy, that's almost unheard of back home. That being said, I don't live there anymore. The vast majority of my friends no longer live there and I'd place the number of HS classmates alone residing in Texas at about 30 (my graduating class was about 200 guys). Hell, I'd bet I only have roughly 40 or so classmates still living in California. The few that I do know there are: -In government -Employees of the State -Former employees of the state -In the entertainment industry -Living off the state -Mobsters I'm truly racking my brain now to think of someone else. Aside from my brother (a teamster) and my sister who works for the nations largest payroll company, I'm hard pressed to come up with anyone else. So odd compared to when I was younger, they were all kids who had parents who either owned their own business or worked in the private sector with a few cop/military kids thrown in there. There are far more of my classmates from our sister schools who still reside in California. The vast majority of their husbands though fall into one of the above categories mentioned.
Republican governors poaching businesses from lib/Dem, high tax states... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/02/16/perry-calif-bid-just-latest-in-republican-effort-to-lure-businesses-with-less/
Greg LeRoy is a dumb mofo and someone who clearly doesn't get it. If you don't recognize the clear principle that you don't owe the government a god damned thing, then you won't appreciate what these states are doing. Taxation has always been around and it has always sucked in this country. However, the appetite and entitlement to your tax dollars has grown almost exponentially in my life time. The states and federal government no longer wonder how they'll get the money. They simply try to balance how much they can steal without you wising up. There are some states that are so delusional that they need to suffer a total economic collapse to bring them back to reality. Despite Dave's whining, Michigan was one of them.. California is clearly one of them, if not the out right leader. People need to learn how to vote responsibly and not by race, wallet or party. They need to be punished for the choices they've made. That being said, there also needs to be a balance. A lot of these employers headed to states with lower tax rates and flexible (if any) labor laws are, in fact, abusing employees in ways that would never fly in other states.
CA Gun Retailer Says Sayonara To California, “Howdy” To Texas Via Red Alert Politics: For one gun retailer, the Golden State wasn’t so golden. Shield Tactical, a California retailer and firearms training provider, has decided to ‘get the heck out of Dodge’ — and move to Texas. John W. Harrington founded Shield Tactical in 2008, but with California’s hard-line stance on gun control, he decided the state was no longer a good place for his business. Harrington, originally from Texas, said it was finally “time to go home.” “The state of California treats all businesses as necessary evils,” he told Red Alert. “They treat those of us in the gun business as just evil. They make it very clear that they don’t want us there. It’s just that simple.”