back on aol . Temp new screen name Hope to get reinstated back to my own screen name. The bast*ards are getting tough with their TERMS OF SERVICE!!
JIF, I just went in and changed your profile to this temporary e-mail address. You chose to receive notices every time someone replies to this topic. Your old address is kicking back these notices. Let me know if you change this address again and I will change it again for you. These notices being kicked back can cause the system to make your Skybox account go inactive. If that happens, I have to charge you two donuts to reactivate it! :shock:
thnks Tom..appreciate it very much!. Bill..Im locked out of my JIF5 @aol acct. Somebody hacked into it. I have to send AOL a registered letter saying I want it re opened. However, they wont guarantee it. In the meaantime I opened a "bogus" acct ( Im totally lost because hundreds of addresses and thousand favorites are "locked"
JIF, the new account is with aol isn't it? As far as bookmarks go that should be be with the browser shouldn't it? If aol doesn't want to cooperate so you can get all your stuff back maybe you should just switch? Do you have DSL or Cable as opposed to dial up? I hope it gets straightened out for you.
Jif, I feel for you. I just installed as my IP. Lost all addresses and favorites. For addresses I called up my youngest son and told him to email me with copies to those addresses which pertain to me. This got a lot of them back. I could then email some of these and ask them to do the same thing. Also retrieved some by phone. For favorites, easy. Just google them and add. BTW, cable IP is lightening fast with downloads in excess of 8mbs. Incidentally you can check your download speed at
vic..I had about a thousand favorites...most I probably wouldnt use anyway. The important ones, as you say , I have been googling . As far as my address book..I am defeated.