Can we go ahead and play this game tomorrow night to get the taste out of my mouth... hopefully! Tivo will have to watch it for us since we will be in San Antonio with the other Skyboxers. Thank goodness for scores on the cell phone.
Hey ............. <t>Tom,<br/> <br/> As I always say as sure as the next Bill Clinton lie the Vols win.</t>
Well dang it Larry... does that mean I have to pick between a Vol win and Clinton never lying again... ARGH... my head is exploding!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I wish I could be in Houston. Have a great time. The game with S. Carolina should be a close game. Earlier I would have picked S. Carolina, but the last couple of weeks I think Tennessee could well win. Like I said, have a great time.
I'm going to start a topic about this n the back room but I will be able to watch the Tennessee vs South Carolina game after the festivities are over in San Antonio. I just invested in Slingbox. It not only allows me to watch what is playing on my home TV, but allows me to change the channels, view the guide, set up recordings, and watch recorded programs. I am testing it on the Albuquerque trip. I leave out tomorrow morning and will try it on both the hotel connection and our Sprint MiFi wireless hotspot.
To go along with the statement made in the 3rd Saturday in October topic: Dave, I will be glad to help you find a game playing the same time as Tennessee vs South Carolina. Let the GamePlan schedule come out and I'll see what's available for you.
Unless Tennessee suffers a major letdown after losing such a heartbreaker to Bama, I think the Vols will dominate this game. I haven't seen a lot of South Carolina this season but from what I have seen, Tennessee should be able to easily impose their will along both lines. Pair that with the way Crompton has been playing (pray that the real Crompton doesn't come back) and I see the makings of a blowout. I have been wrong before and I am usually overly optimistic when it comes to all things Orange (which is why I don't make it a habit of betting on the Vols) but I just don't see South Carolina being able to sustain drives against the Tennessee defense. I also see a huge game by the Tennessee RBs.
Understand the betting Aquila. I just believe that South Carolina can't be better than Georgia. Vandy can't be better than Georgia. Kentucky worries me a little.
I love those cartoons Tom. I won't see more than about a half of the S. Carolina - Tennessee game but do intend to turn it on when we get back from the Gator - Georgia game.
I didn't see any of this game aside from the final. I have no idea what happened but that's a big, big win for the Vols. Well done boys.
Just got back to the hotel from the ND vs WSU game. Can't wait to watch the Tennessee game that is recorded at home... Oh wait... I don't have to. I am about to hit Slingbox to watch it.
It wasn't a very exciting game Tom, Tennessee dominated from start to finish. Of course that will be exciting for you though. Nice win.
Tom...... <t>As predicted no contest and I'm still amazed that after five years Spurrier still has no QB at a school in a great conference with loads of resources.<br/> Kiss those ugly black jerseys bye bye though. That was as bad as the black Georgia helments and yes I knwo it was Halloween. My grandsons drug me all over Pearland Texas last night. LOL !!</t>