Auburn pays us a visit this week and I only have one thought: What doesn't kill us will only make us stronger.
LOL I keep waiting for the Auburn offense to have those 'implosion' games. They will have them. Gus' teams always do. They haven't really had one this year.
lol will the new trend become offensive gurus instead of defensive gurus? Something has to break the Stoops mold.
Based on what I saw in the Auburn/A&M I'm a pretty big fan of Coach Gus...that Auburn offense was diverse and relentless. Granted A&M's defense is very bad this year, but still there play selection was excellent, they ran the ball, they threw the ball. Their QB wasn't Johnny Football but he didn't need to be, he had a bunch of other players making plays around him and he was making plays as well. Don't know what will happen the rest of the season for Auburn, esp the Alabama game, but Gus looks like he knows how to coach to me.
T, I agree. Something I like about Gus, at least as far as I can tell, is that like Saban he is just doing his thing. Tubesteak couldn't take a breath without taking a dig at Alabama. Gene Whateverhisnamewas in the Member's Only jacket fell into the same trap. Gus seems to be keeping his eyes focused on his program, he isn't making a fuss or drawing attention to himself. He takes setbacks in stride and without excuse. I guess we'll need a few more years to see, but right now I like what the guy has done there.