95 yards for the winning score in the last 6 minutes. His numbers aren't pretty but he continues to win. 4 - 1 since becoming the starting QB. It sure doesn't look to me like there is dissension on the Bronco's team, he seems to be accepted and respected. Of course we can look forward to many more articles this week as to why he is not a pro QB. Personally I love this guy how he handles himself.
Thursday night is my bowling night and I got home very late in the 3rd quarter with the score 10 - 3 in favor of the Jets. The Jets just had the Bronco's completely bottled up until that last drive. I was really stunned when the Bronco's pulled this off. But of course I was very happy. I am of the opinion that Tebow can become a better passer and if the Bronco's keep playing to his strengths and he can keep from being injured, but question, he can in time become a better passer. But of course I am a major fan of this young man. Thanks for the comments. GB
That's cool George. I think Tebow is winning over more and more fans around the country. I couldn't believe that Tebow was not running the ball all night....especially on the 4th and inches call on the first drive. Why it takes the Broncos staff all game to wise up and let Tebow be Tebow I'll never know.
I watched a little of the early part of the game. They showed numerous photos from around the country and the world with people in the Tebow pose. I think it's funny and cool. The guy sure is having a positive impact.
Tebow is like a beacon of light in the storm that seems to cloud sports today like the Penn St. scandal and others: http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/tim-tebow-denver-broncos-plays-ugly-but-wins-in-the-end-against-new-york-jets-111811 I was present several times in the north end zone at Florida when Tebow would run down towards us with his infectious enthusiasm and do the hand slaps with the fans on the railing or just to pump up the cowd in general. It was a fun time.