Isn't George live where this storm may hit? Any other Skyboxers? Whoever may be, stay safe. Evacuate if you must, stay inside or go to a shelter if you are in the path. God Bless.
George and Jiff (Rhode Island) Jiff said he as on the computer talking to George this morning but got cut off. George's son is a Police Officer in NJ too he is on patrol now. They both check in on facebook everyonce in a while on FB George sent some pix and a site to watch the ocean there near him but the sight went down this am
Two weeks ago I worked my way down the Jersey Shore from north of Atlantic City starting in Point Pleasant and winding up on the ferry at Cape May. George I believe is close to AC and it appears that he will be in the heaviest wind field from the storm wich is now 90 mph sustained. Good luck to you and your family George.
I wonder if Stu is still down in Fla? If not he might be getting some of Sandy's effects as well in Ohio.
They really are predicting severe weather conditions for the Great Lakes Region. This is from the South Bend Tribune.
I'm still here. I am 60 miles north of AC right on the coast. Sandy has accelerated its speed and size. It should make landfall here in 4-5 hours. I haven't lost power yet. We are experiencing steady winds of 45+ with gusts up to 60+. The entire Jersey shore has been devastated. And the worst lies ahead.
From what I saw a couple of weeks ago there is generally not enough of a barrier to wind and sea to keep this storm from devaststating the Jersey Shore.
Terry...would rather be in Fla. Only effect they had that I saw was a warning about severe danger of riptides in Fort Myers Beach...which traditionally is one of the safest beaches in Fla. because it is so shallow and unlikely to have riptides. In North Central Ohio we are right on the edge of the thing...yet they still are predicting gusts of up to 70 mph tonight. This may involve a lot of trees coming down because the winds are coming out of the north (unusual here) and the root development somehow is not as good for winds coming from that direction. Also it has been raining nonstop for 3 days and the ground is saturated. If we do have widespread power outages because of this, then I figure it will take a long time to get restored, because most of the power companies equipment has rightfully been sent east to help out those who will surely be in much more trouble than we will. Yesterday I saw a whole convoy of tree service trucks pulling out of a gas station and heading east on US 30. The wind is just now starting to howl...I can't imagine what it must be like on the east coast. My thoughts and prayers are for all those folks.
Stu if there are widespread power outages in Ohio I wonder how it will affect the voting. I know you guys have had a huge early voting turnout, but still if there is no power do you have provisions or old style equipment that could be used that doesn't require power? Can you imagine if a significant portion of Ohio voters are unable to vote on election day?
40 mph winds and light rain here. Spoke to Commish who is in Manhatten. His in-laws on Long Island have lost power. Lower Manhatten is blacked out but he is in mid-town. Haven't heard from sisters in NJ and Conn yet. Mom in Brooklyn is hunkered down.
Inch of snow or so. Windy but not so bad. Power only blinked out for a few seconds. Still calling for high gusts this morning and power outages.
anybody worried about JIFF or George they are both on facebook/ George just replied a few minutes ogo sd they are ok but things are really bad and Jiff is OK. George only has his blackberry and limited on use. Just an FYI for you guys who dont check facebook. Last time he posted sd they are all Ok but has a tree leaning on his house.