Jiffy, BDR....You see what they want to do next year. I am for some of their new ways to create revenue but this is totally crossing the line. I saw it on dirtdogs, not too happy about it.
I have several double sox hats and like them. The thing is, that's for me. I could (almost) see making it an alternate road hat or something, but to replace the B? Sacrilege. This is beyond crossing the line.
Thanks, PJ. Wow! I like the Sox but I'm not a diehard Sox fan. I'm guessing that Sox nation will rise up against this effort to tamper with a beloved tradition. It's like the Cubs replacing the C with a picture of a Cubby Bear. Or the Yankees replacing the interlocking NY with a picture of Madonna.
Rick, Your feeling mirror mine on this subject. What's next? Fuzzy dice hanging from the front of batting helmets and hats lined with dingle berries around the brim?
-- 12.13.08, Red Sox President and CEO Larry Lucchino at Christmas at Fenway on sports radio WEEI I wonder just how much of a misunderstanding it really was.