not that any/many of you care but it is rather interesting. It's also quite important. The Huntsville City School District is seeking removal from the Federal Desegregation Order. If you read some of the comments below, you'll note that there are many who contend Huntsville City Schools never once complied with the Federal Segregation Orders. (from what I can gather, they certainly have not since I've lived here in 2001). The black kids go to schools like JO Johnson, Butler and Lee. The other schools such as Grissom, Columbia, Huntsville and New Discovery are nearly all white. Columbia and New Discovery do have larger minority populations that are largely hispanic and/or asian due to parents working on the Arsenal (NASA/Army employees). I guess forced busing stopped back in the 80s, but the 'white migration' had already begun and continues to this day. I just don't see how they'll get around this. There was a time in which Huntsville was known for seamless integration practices, but it's eroded over time. Now, the Huntsville City School District does have a very valid point in that they can't so much as scratch their back side without Federal approval. This makes the most mundane of school district tasks incredibly tedious and expensive. What I don't understand is, if there is so much Federal oversight that they can't build or expand new school facilities, or seek improvements to current facilities, then how in the hell do the racial numbers get so far out of hand? Either they are watching, or they aren't. Also, the black community is very worried about this because (as some of these previous reports show, despite the overall diversity of the community there is still segregation) Also, and perhaps not surprising.. the segregation laws are something I never really hear about EXCEPT when star black athletes decide to transfer to one of the wealthier white schools. This law is clearly abused in so many ways, I'm just not sure it is something that can be legislated.