tell you what flavored cigarettes to smoke? There's a few cherry flavored black and mild smokers who voted for Obama who I am betting didn't know this was coming.
Yeah but Corey they are the government they must know what's best for us...Just ask'em... :x Or better yet, wait another day for the next regulation... Ralph
Here in New Jersey we like to teach our young children Obama chants and take the Battle Hymn of the Republic and convert it into a homage to the Big O and have them sing it during class time.. Kind of spooky, don't you think? Could you in your wildest dreams imagine if this trial balloon had been floated during the previous administration? So, just to clarify. You can't mention God in public school. You cannot pray. You cannot display a nativity scene. But you can teach very young children to sing praises for a sitting President. Interesting parallel to an earlier time, say, Bavaria in the 1930s. What the hell is going on here?
George, I know I am not the oldest chicken in the coup here but I find myself thinking that every day. I am seeing things that I never once thought I'd see.
Speaking of the wonderful changes we are experiencing with our present move toward socialism have you tried to buy ammo lately. I don't know how many of you are gun owners but I enjoy shooting various firearms every chance I can get. There is a shortage of ammo in our country that has surpassed anything folks have seen before. Ammuntion plants are now operating on three shifts to keep up with the demand of the public purchasing of ammo. This all started about 2 months before the election and has not slowed down. The reason is the expected crackdown on gun owners. They are not going to go after the guns but the ammo will be the target of control. The only reason we have not seen the mad push yet is because the economy meltdown got in the way along with healthcare and other assorted issues. In the words of Dianne Feinstein we "are going to tackle the gun owner issue but we have to pick our battles at the proper time. I have gone to owning only guns that I can throw at people in case the ammo does dry up... :wink: RC
Speaking of the unexplainable, here's your Daily Obamanation..... ( - Even though the Border Patrol now reports that almost 1,300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border is not under effective control, and the Department of Justice says that vast stretches of the border are “easily breached,” and the Government Accountability Office has revealed that three persons “linked to terrorism” and 530 aliens from “special interest countries” were intercepted at Border Patrol checkpoints last year, the administration is nonetheless now planning to decrease the number of Border Patrol agents deployed on the U.S.-Mexico border. Border Patrol Director of Media Relations Lloyd Easterling confirmed this week--as I first reported in my column yesterday--that his agency is planning for a net decrease of 384 agents on the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2010, which begins on October 1.
Ralph, I live in Alabama. I grew up in CA where only mobsters, gang bangers, cops and my dad had ammo. Since moving here, I have actually learned to make my own ammo (kid you not). I am fairly certain you can get ammo here like firewood (everywhere and on the side of the road). How safe it is? That I couldn't tell you Yup, there's some real interesting people in this state. George, Holy ****. If you're familiar with the culture of the western US... you do realize it's only a matter of time until Arizonans just take matter into their own hands. I'm sure Texans aren't much different.
I have bought my last gun show reloads. I was at the range with my step father today. One round in my .357 mag Ruger GP100 4 " had what I suspect was zero gun powder. The primer sent the projectile out to the end of the barrel where it lodged. If I had not followed safety procedures, I might be dead right now. I held my position with the gun pointed down range for thirty seconds after noticing the lower sound and less recoil from that round. I then cleared the gun and looked down the barrel. I saw it was blocked. When I turned it around, I was shocked to see what is shown in the pictures I linked to this message. If I had pulled the trigger again, who knows the damage that would have been done?
Wow...what happens if you're practicing a quick double-tap drill?...ouch. Have never reloaded rifle or pistol ammo...I do reload shotshells. I have had the same thing happen a couple of times with shotshells...but it is only the wad that stays and that's easy to clear. Was it hard to get that round out and did it scratch up your Ruger any?
I'm in Tennessee without the equipment to extract it. I don't think it will be too hard once I get back to Texas.