So, I get these emails

Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by IrishCorey, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    and a quick back story first... but I know website design pretty well. I also know marketing and strategy pretty well. Some times, I like to tinker with things online just to see what they really do.

    Back during the last election, there were a few websites out there that encouraged you to register to vote. I went to one that claimed it had no party affiliation. I entered the first 2 steps of the registration process, but then I did not confirm.. because I'm already registered to vote. I'm not going to do anything illegal. I just wanted to see what would happen. This is the result.

    I receive frequent emails 'from' President Obama and his wife Michelle for various things. I've been meaning to share this with you guys, but have always been too busy. Now, keep in mind, I DID NOT COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION PROCESS. The entire thing SHOULD HAVE BEEN THROWN OUT. If you go to create a profile on just about any other site, including consumer sites, there are actually laws that regulate them bothering you until you give consent and create the profile. I never did that. I just entered my info on the 1st 2 screens. I never hit save, I never hit enter, and I certainly never completed it... Yet I get these emails still... I don't get any emails from Republicans, EVER.. just FYI

    So for starters, here is today's email from Michelle Obama:

    Michelle Obama <info>
    8:25 AM (6 hours ago)
    to me

    Corey --

    Barack and I have so much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving, and that includes people like you who've been by our side, working for change right from the beginning.

    Because of your hard work, passion, and dedication, we have accomplished so much over this past year. We've continued to create jobs and rebuild our economy. We've cut carbon pollution so we can preserve our environment. We've witnessed historic victories for equality across the country, all the way to the Supreme Court. And soon, millions of Americans will finally have access to quality, affordable health care -- many for the first time.

    Before we all celebrate with our personal traditions tomorrow, I want to start a new one -- I'm hoping that you'll take a moment to share what you're thankful for this year:

    OFA will be gathering some of these notes and sharing them on I can't wait to see what you have to say.

    Thanks so much for everything you're doing -- and from our family to yours, happy Thanksgiving.


    P.S. -- As you spend time with loved ones this holiday season, be sure to talk with them about what health care reform can mean for them -- OFA has some tips to help get the ball rolling.

    (I left out the hyperlinks because I don't think you guys give a **** about that)
  2. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    This is one about healthcare I got from Erin Hannigan a day ago:
    Erin Hannigan, <info>
    Nov 26 (1 day ago)
    to me

    You're receiving this email because you signed up to learn more about the Affordable Care Act. We'll be sending you helpful information over the next few months on how you can explore your health care options on the health care marketplace.

    Corey --

    Making an informed decision, especially about something like health care, is pretty important to all of us.

    We're here to help sort through some of the information out there and get folks what they need to make the right decisions for themselves.

    Here are some of the top ways the Affordable Care Act will help those who get covered:

    -- People will no longer be denied health care coverage due to pre-existing conditions, which can range from acne to diabetes to pregnancy.

    -- For more than half of all uninsured Americans, coverage could cost under $100 a month.

    -- All health care plans on the marketplace provide free preventative care like checkups, vaccines, and screenings.

    -- Lifetime limits on coverage are now banned, so your insurance will be there when you need it, no matter what.

    -- There are a variety of plans available, so you can pick the plan that fits your needs and your budget.
    Getting covered is a smart and responsible thing to do. We can't control everything that happens to us -- but we can try and be prepared so that when things don't go our way, we can be ready.

    So pass this note along to anyone you know who's thinking about getting covered through the health care marketplace.

    And here's where you can go for more information and ways to get enrolled:



    (It should be noted that I DID NOT sign up for any such info sheet)
  3. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    I received this one on Sept 27, 2013
    I want to make sure this message gets through:
    Barack Obama <info>
    Sep 27
    to me

    Corey --

    Right now, the hard work we've put in to get our economy back on track is at risk. And there's only one reason for it: A group of far-right Republicans in Congress is obsessed with making an ideological point.

    They refuse to pass a budget unless I let them sabotage Obamacare, something they know is not going to happen. Now, we're left with only four days before a government shutdown.

    This is reckless and irresponsible. Republicans are not focused on what's best for you. They're playing political games.

    I called House Speaker John Boehner the other night to tell him that Americans like you have worked too long and too hard to dig our nation out of the financial crisis, and the last thing we need is for Washington to manufacture another.

    I want to make sure that message gets through. Add your voice -- remind Speaker Boehner that Congress has a job to do.

    Passing a budget is the most basic duty the Constitution gives to Congress.

    Congress needs to hear from the people who sent them to Washington.

    As we get closer to the September 30th deadline, that might mean picking up the phone, getting the facts out to friends on social media, or showing up at your local congressional office. OFA will be asking a lot of you, and I hope you'll get involved.

    Start today by telling Speaker Boehner that Congress must come together to pass a budget:

    Thank you,

  4. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    This one I received Sept 25:
    Corey, it's me
    Michelle Obama <info>
    Sep 25
    to me

    Corey --

    It's been a while since I've written, but it's a good time to check in.

    For the first time in a long time, our side gained some real momentum over the summer -- on everything from immigration reform to climate change.

    This is why we organize in between elections.

    We all have a personal stake in what happens over the next few years.

    Corey, what is the number one issue you care about?

    We have some big challenges ahead, and how you decide to be part of them will be as important as ever.

    Barack is going to keep fighting for the things we believe in, and if he can count on you, too -- well, that's when we get things done.

    Thank you,


    P.S. -- Don't forget to share more about what makes you tick.
  5. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    It's beginning to dawn on young people, that THEY are the ones who will pay for this Brave New World: not "the rich."

    The middle class is being systematically soaked and destroyed. The Democrats are now the party of the very rich and the very poor. The party of those who don't have to work, combined with those who refuse to work. All the rest of us are the enemies of the people...
  6. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Thought I'd share this email

    I just received an audit on my tax return for 2012 back from the IRS. It puzzles me!!!
    They are questioning how many dependents I claimed.
    I guess it was because of my response to the question: "List all dependents?"
    I replied: 12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads;
    42 million unemployed people on food stamps,
    2 million people in over 243 prisons;
    Half of Mexico ; and 535 persons in the U.S. House and Senate."
    1 useless President.
    Evidently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.
  7. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Hey Corey if you get some spare time go look at my website, I get nada, zippo, nothing from it. If you have any tips let me know.

  8. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    You looking to boost traffic to your site? I can see a few things I'd change about the site right now.

    Is that one of those template websites you get for a few hundred bucks?

    You need to customize your meta information and make each page an individual presence on the web. Google loves that ****. It's not a sure fire way to gain traffic, but it will help. Then make sure you register your site (once it's blown out with proper keywords and meta info) with all the various social media forms (facebook etc). Google loves that as well. Just those 2 items should help you turnaround your traffic situation. I can do all this for ya and email it if you'd prefer.
  9. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Yeah I would definitely like more traffic/referrals. It's not a cheap site, it cost me several thousand dollars to have it designed by a company that specializes in Dental Websites.

    I'll call those guys and mention those changes.

  10. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Yeah... I can help you with that stuff if you want me to put something together. We used to encounter 'specialty' companies quite a bit. They specialize in Dr's, Lawyers, Chiropractors, etc.

    In terms of SEO, keywords and meta data.. your site is really bare bones. It looks nice though. Load up each page, make it unique and keep in mind to match up meta info to page names etc that are geared toward the market. It'll work.
  11. Sid

    Sid Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Corey, what is meta info? I'm just curious.
  12. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    The meta data or meta information falls into 2 basic categories, at least for page design.

    One deals specifically with the design and layout of the site. That's fine on Terry's page.

    Then there is descriptive meta information. This is what's lacking on Terry's page, or at least could be improved.

    In short, it's hidden text that you don't necessarily see on a web page. Most of them are page names and keywords that search engines use to find webpages. It's used as an indexing system for information. While search engines do find text on the page, they are primarily (it is a weighted search formula) searching for meta data/descriptions such as keywords, page descriptions and names.

    If you feel like taking a trip with me, I'll show you a good example of what I mean. It's not scary.. just try it:

    First, go to the site that put Doc's page together.

    On their page over to the right, or left, away from the navigation, right click your mouse. Go down to where it says VIEW PAGE SOURCE.

    Another window will pull up and you'll see the code for the page and site itself. If you do a CONTROL+F search for "meta" You will see next to the high light areas of META, the various meta categories. They don't use keywords, which is fine for their site design because they use strong page descriptions on each page that are unique.. For example, their home page has:

    e also offer complete hosting support, including email addresses, as well as services and products to improve your Website marketing strategy, like search engine optimization, dental websites and blogs

    Under search marketing page, it is: We are committed to getting your dental website in the top results in every major search engine on the internet

    On Terry's page, if you go and do the same.. he doesn't have those same descriptions.

    Now ask yourself.. the people who are selling themselves as someone who can sell you, why do they have something on their page that you don't have on yours?

    That's because they sell you the site first, and from there, they will offer you various marketing and SEO packages to improve your sites performance. They'll do this by adding meta descriptions and page headers similar to the ones they are using, but specific to your business/industry.

    It's nothing nefarious, it's pretty standard practice. I just think the practice sucks. I understand the financial benefit of the carrot/stick approach, I just think it's a short sighted game because eventually your market will become tech savvy and then they'll feel ripped off.

    The service I was selling was an ongoing process, but I'd optimize the entire site and then monitor it regularly (meaning daily) to see what is working and what is not. I'd research the various markets around the country looking for area/industry specific terminology that could help create a niche in the search market world.

    Once the major search engines become accustomed to finding you, they tend to look for you first.

    I had clients who would participate almost not at all, and we could still generate anywhere from 20 to 100 hits a month for them.. and those are my horror story accounts. It never got worse than those. More typical results were, for example, a modest Jewish family law firm in suburban Philly that was regularly pulling 14,000+ hits a months and gaining. They were active and they were also involved in the process (feedback/industry specific user forums/community orgranizations that also have websites which will create positive backlinks to your page)...

    I hope this made some sense.
  13. Sid

    Sid Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Thanks! It made a lot of sense. I followed your instructions for seeing the TNT web site and found what you described. Very interesting. I learned something new today.
  14. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    I have 2 new emails guys..

    Barack Obama <info>
    10:38 AM (4 hours ago)

    to me
    Corey --

    On January 1st, our nation turns a corner on health care -- and we're never going back.

    From here on, no American should have to go broke just because they get sick. You can't be dropped from your plan when you need it most. Pre-existing conditions will never prevent someone from getting coverage, and women can't be charged more than men for their plans.

    And for millions of Americans, affordable, quality coverage is finally within reach.

    I am so proud of that. And I have people like you to thank, Corey.

    Fundamental change like this doesn't happen just because people believe it's the right thing to do. It happens because people like you, and organizations like OFA, fight for it -- no matter how hard it gets.

    That's why we don't just fight the good fight -- we stay at it until we win.

    Today, I'm asking you to make a commitment -- 2014 should be a year of action. Pledge to keep fighting for change with OFA:

    Thank you so much -- and happy new year.

  15. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Democratic Party <democraticparty>
    Dec 28 (2 days ago)

    to me
    You are receiving this message as an Obama for America supporter.
    The Democratic National Committee is solely responsible for the content of this message.

    Click here to automatically join the Democrats:

    The images in the email are click thru links that take you to a fund raising page for the blue daisy , one takes you a a party campaign sign up page, and the others take you to various Democrat propaganda pages. I can give you the links for those, but I'm guessing you don't care/get the point.

  16. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    This morning's email

    Barack Obama <democraticparty>
    9:29 AM (1 hour ago)

    to me
    Corey --

    Tonight is the last fundraising deadline before 2014 -- when we'll elect the last Congress I'll ever work with.

    This one is critical to accomplishing what we set out to do. So if you can, please chip in $3 or more right now:

    Happy New Year!

  17. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    I'd like to know exactly what it is he set out to do. Of course, that would require him answering a question.

    I think if he set out out to shred the constitution, run an imperial presidency and deconstruct the nation while fomenting racial and economic tension then he has done one hell of a job!
  18. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    I think you're right.. OH, and I just got 2 more in the afternoon.

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz <democraticparty>
    12:56 PM (5 hours ago)

    to me

    Corey --

    Happy New Year!
    For many Americans, choosing between paying the rest of their bills and paying for health care coverage for their family was a reality, and a nightmare.

    But midnight is more than the start of a new year. It's also when some of Obamacare's most important provisions go into effect, and millions of Americans will be able to breathe a little sigh of relief knowing that it will be illegal for insurers to discriminate against those with a pre-existing condition.

    That means it's more important than ever that we defend this law and protect the progress we've made.

    Chip in $10 or more before the midnight deadline to support Democrats who will defend Obamacare in the new year.

    This past year has been filled with fights over Obamacare. But this law was never about politics. It was about giving people the security of taking care of their health and their families. As a mother, and a breast cancer survivor, I've been fortunate that my children and myself are covered. But that means I'm fighting that much harder for folks who don't have that security.

    As we head into the 2014 election year, more and more Americans will benefit from Obamacare -- nothing scares Republicans more than that.

    Start 2014 off strong by donating $10 or more before tonight's deadline:

    Happy New Year to you and yours,


    Debbie Wasserman Schultz
    Democratic National Committee
  19. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Barack Obama <democraticparty>
    5:05 PM (1 hour ago)

    to me
    Corey --

    Starting tomorrow, January 1st, it will be illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the up to 129 million Americans living with pre-existing conditions.

    That became a reality because people like you kept going and refused to listen to the cynics and pundits who said we couldn't do it. You kept going -- you didn't stop.

    Today, I'm asking you to do what you've done so many times before, and press on. Chip in $3 or more to support Democrats before the fundraising deadline at midnight.

    A lot of work remains undone, but at the end of the day -- and at the end of this year especially -- I remember that this country has always found a way. That's because people like you don't stop.

    That's what the Democratic Party is all about -- working to move our country forward. That's what you and I are fighting to do every day.

    Chip in $3 or more before midnight tonight, and let's keep going:

    Thank you so much, today and every day.

  20. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    I got this one yesterday. The title of it was 'So about This Chris Christie thing'

    Mo Elleithee, <democraticparty>
    6:19 PM (15 hours ago)

    Corey --

    Stop Christie
    This news about Chris Christie is going to sound like something you might see on House of Cards, but keep in mind that this really happened, and that Chris Christie is one of the GOP's top choices for a 2016 presidential candidate. So stick with me for a second.

    In September, New Jersey officials closed lanes on the George Washington Bridge, causing massive gridlock that left thousands of commuters -- including school buses and first responders -- stranded near the town of Fort Lee.

    Christie insisted -- over and over again! -- that no one on his staff was involved in the closure, and that the decision wasn't political retribution for the Fort Lee mayor's failure to endorse Christie for re-election.

    Literally none of that appears to be true. His staff was directly involved, and their motivation appeared to be straight-up political retribution.

    Chip in $3 or more to help keep Chris Christie away from the presidency.

    Yesterday, subpoenaed emails revealed that the order to close the lanes came directly from one of Christie's top aides and went directly to a high school pal Christie had appointed to the Port Authority. Her exact instructions? "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee."

    If that's enough to make you want to elect more Democrats, then I hope you'll chip in to support our candidates up and down the ticket. Republicans do a lot of outrageous things, but this story matters more than most.

    It seems pretty likely that Chris Christie will spend the next couple years gearing up to run for President of the United States, which means we need to start paying attention to this guy now.

    This may have started as a local news story about a traffic jam, but it's so much more -- it's about who Chris Christie is, and the kind of spiteful, costly, and damaging failures of leadership Americans can expect from him.

    Before the next campaign starts, we need to make sure that Americans across the country know the real Chris Christie, and that Democrats have the resources to keep him out of national office. Chip in $3 to make sure we can:



    Mo Elleithee
    Communications Director
    Democratic National Committee