Just wanted to share today is maybe one of the best days of my 63 years. If you have seen my post on facebook this is the reason. on July 15th Jim and I got a call to drive to Rancho Mirage My Dad had a massive heart attack and wasn't expected to make it. He is 89 and has a history of heart attacks. He is at Eisenhower medical They are miracle workers they lowered his body temp to freezing and put him in a coma. for 3 days then when they warmed him up he opened his eyes and tried to sit up. and today he called me on the phone. to tell me We needed to come see him (we are going out this weekend) He has to undergo physical therapy but today when my step mom and sister got there he was sitting in a chair eating applesauce and dressed in tee shirt and shorts and his tennis shoes. Said he plans on playing golf soon in his new red Mercedes golf cart they promised him if he got better. gotta love those golfers. :wink:
I'm happy for you, Di. Heart attacks and all, you are very fortunate to have your dad still with you.
thanks guys I think it was the promise of the red Mercedes golf cart though Gail and my sister were shocked when he asked them when he was getting it since he was in a coma when they promised it to him. He even amazed his doctors