I don't know about you but I hate the unveiling of new uniforms, the crowd black-outs, white-outs, orange-outs etc. for intense rivalry stoked games. Looks like the Gators will have new unis for the Georgia game: http://www.gatorsports.com/article/20100901/ARTICLES/100909976/1136?Title=Nike-8217-s-UF-uniform-to-debut-at-Georgia-game We will see how this one works out for UF.
I'm assuming that all Nike schools are going to have a "Pro Combat" Uniform. Remember those ones where the Right Sleeve was a different color than the left sleeve, all the Nike Schools wore them, I don't think it was for the whole season though.
The description of light, durable and protective sounds pretty good. I just hate to see these types of things before what figures to be a huge game in the SEC East.
Actually Boise State Uni's look pretty good but Miami's look Fug Ugly.... :shock: http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2010/09/miami_hurricanes_unveil_ugly_n.php
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My guess is that kids love this stuff, old fogies like us like the old styles!
Don't like 'em... BTW...somebody tell me why it was so disrespectful to our troops for Kellen Winslow Jr. to call himself a "warrier"...but nobody cares if Nike comes out with "Combat" unis. :?