Huntsville Alabama takes over the number one tornado spot in America.
Poor bastards I feel sorry for everyone of them....My wife and I love Alabama and have considered moving there when I am more of a burden than a blessing. But the fact that it has a tornado bulls eye painted on it and that her grandmother was literally cut in half by the old two man pull saws during a tornado kinda puts things in place on where to live...
I like the Huntsville area. There are keys to avoiding tornadoes that real estate people don't like to tell you about. I can be your guide! Tom, why are you in my neck of the woods Saturday? I think it's suppose to rain? We'll be at the ball field all day. Did I mention that we just had an earthquake yesterday as well?
I stayed in Huntsville on business one time. I've stayed at hotels where they charge more for water views or mountain views. Huntsville is the only place where I stayed that they charged extra for "rocket views." Outside the Marriott was a park with actual sized rockets.
Well now we know why they let A&M in... Cuz we help maintain the twister dominance of the conference! :wink:
LOL those were actual rockets I think Gip would be floored by how much the area has grown. (even since I've moved here). Nearby Madison was literally a cotton field for years, but it has grown so much it had the largest high school in the state until they opened the new James Clemens HS in Madison. The day they opened the doors, it was one of the 5 largest HS in the state. When all of this balances out in the next few years, they'll probably had 2 high schools with 3,000 kids. There's already eyes on planning for a 3rd. In Huntsville, the schools were classified as 6A but they weren't that big. They are all busting at the seams now. Sid, Aunt Eunice died back in 04 or 05 and the Country Kitchen closed, sadly. There's still plenty of great country kitchens all over the place here.