Along the lines of the Big 10 and Pac 12 annual bow game. No Bowl has been chosen yet but the Fiesta has let it be known they want in and I am sure the Sugar Bowl will also. I imagine the Big 12 will get two more teams to have their annual championship game. Perhaps FSU will be one. Site to be determined later. SEC vs Big 12 Champs in Bowl Game
I like this a lot. Better than having a Hawaii coming into the Sugar Bowl to get slaughtered by Ga or having a down Bama team play somebody they've never heard of in Utah. If UF didn't make the NC game but made it's way back into the BCS bowl circuit as the SEC's rep then playing the Big 12 Champion would at least be a guarantee to get the Gator's attention.
everything wrong with every perceived concept of football you hold exemplified in one sentence fragment.. there it is, put it in a case.
I guess in SEC country they've only heard of 9 states Florida Georgia South Carolina Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Kentucky Tennessee Arkansas And now they're going to have to buy new geography text books with Texas in them. :roll:
Missouri was already in the SEC Geography classes due to Branson being the Country Music attraction it is. :wink:
Good point Tom. Tennessee and Florida need to brush up on Missouri as under current division alignment we would both be playing them every year.