cheating at Auburn? We'll see if this sticks. There was so much smoke around the short tenure of "Mean Gene" at Auburn, that I'd be shocked if at least half of it isn't true. That being said, the credibility of this person is certainly in question.. Doesn't make em a liar though. I see they've updated the article since the 1st release with a note that some of the players quoted in the original piece say it isn't true.. Read the article on SDS here: or the original article here: The whole article is a bit more detailed.
8) Will Muschamp handing out thousands of dollars in cash out of a cash drawer in his office? Those things don't really happen do they? I thought it was all a myth...
Will Muschamp? He wasn't at Auburn during that time period, he was at Texas and as far as I know Muschamp is a straight shooter with regards to rules.
In 2006 and 2007, Muschamp was the defensive coordinator at Auburn. He was also a GA at Auburn in 1995 and 1996. He earned his MA at Auburn.
I forgot to add this.. It should be said the person who wrote this story is also the person who wrote the vicious condemnation breaking the Duke Lacrosse scandal, which whipped up a huge backlash against the school, program and players. If you'll remember, the players were cleared in that case. The writer never so much as issued an 'oops.' She did go to Auburn though.. could be another shock piece.. It's hard to buy in when you cry wolf that badly in the past.
I remember her name. I believe she wrote another controversial piece sometime in the past several years, but I can't recall the topic. It might have been the Duke story, but I don't think so.
Muschamp at AU in 2006/2007...that's under Tommy Tubesteak right? Not Gene Chizik. Tubesteak was a straight shooter, no cheating... Anyway if you want to imply that any body who coached at Auburn at any time is dirty or at the very least suspect that's fine. But until proven I'm giving Muschamp the benefit of the doubt. Mack Brown runs a clean program, doesn't have to cheat to get the top players in Texas and I don't think he'd tolerate an assistant who was dirty.
Sid, She wrote the NY Times piece on the Duke Lacrosse scandal Terry, I'm with you, especially given the sources and writer here. I'm going to have to see more proof. Perhaps if the author was anyone else, I'd be more inclined to buy in. It's not like Auburn doesn't have a long established pattern of cheating.. because they do. To suggest that someone who started at Auburn in the mid 90s under Terry Bowden and then was hired as DC by the Tubesteak might possibly be dirty is not much of a stretch either. Still, it all gets down to what you can prove. In the meantime, LSUfreek is already at it:
Oh.. Sid, she also wrote the book about A-rod's steriod use.. so she's batting .500. Still not great for a reporter. I notice she, in her recent publicity events, is pushing her work on the A-rod case.. but not a lot of mentions about the Duke work.
So the way to get the money was to have a bad day at practice. That makes a lot of sense. No wonder Auburn has fallen so bad, paying guys that have bad practices probably brought on more bad practices which leads to losing games. Nice game plan.
That's it. Thanks for jogging my memory. I could be wrong, but I seem to recall that she doesn't let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Bill, hahaha Sid, No problem. From what I can recall, she was pretty spot on with A-Rod although I could be mistaken. The odd thing there was, I'm pretty sure she was right but people jumped on the 'poor A-Rod' train. I read a few examples of it.. it was pretty brutal. As for her Duke story, I went back and looked it up. Not only was she one of the writers piling on Duke, she was the worst. I remember the articles that really angered me well but I didn't remember the writer. It was her.
The Auburn AD confirms that via internal investigation, all accusations in the article are false. There was no academic fraud or cash payments. Coach Muschamp's and Coach Chizik's integrity is intact.