Sorry, Jif. My attention this weekend will be on Indy. Is there a game in Foxboro this weekend? :lol:
hey Sid.. Ill be doing the Indy thing, Sunday!...I will isolate myself from the world Sat/ sun jiffer
I'll be looking forward to a great game. Jax has a good defense and the running game to possibly keep Brady on the bench. Mike Dikta said they had a chance if they could score at least 28 points and control the ball running it. He thinks the Pats defense can be had.
LOl.... you don't need my karma any more Joel....In fact I think I used up too much of it helping you to 2 WS rings and that last Super Bowl ring. Ultimately I want Indy to win it all. ... I like Manning.
Thanks Sid. For me, this game will be at 9 a.m. on Sunday, about 7 hours after I arrive in Singapore. The Indy game that I AM extremely interested in, will be at 2 a.m. Monday morning. :x
Here I am at a relatively deserted Austin Airport waiting for my 8:50 central time flight to board. I probably will have no time in LA to log on again. I'll check back in with you guys when I get to my hotel in Singapore. That should be around 2 p.m. central on Saturday. See you on the dark side of the moon! :wink:
Funny yesterday I had a patient in who was leaving for Singapore as well he is going to be teaching at the University (forget which one). A course on floating offshore rigs or something like that.
Damn Jiffy, they just blew you off hard!! From Foxboro to Singapore in a heartbeat! That reminds me of a joke......What's the difference between a Female Marine and a washing machine? A washing machine doesn't follow you around for 3 weeks after you put a load into it.
I thought JAX would be a tough test for NE, but their D was pretty beaten up last week by PIT and Big Ben. I think Brady is going to shred their secondary. I can't bring myself to root for NE ever though Joel, sorry! I am rooting for the Giants for my dad. He was always a Giants fan but he started to actually root for the Jets a bit. If not the Giants then I hope Favre and GB wins it all.
Finally down in Singapore with all my bags in tow. Still looking forward to that All Manning Superbowl! :wink:
The Pats have had one heck of a season and are seemingly in a class by themselves. However I have to root for the Jags, one of my daughters lives there I would love to see them go to the Super Bowl. However I do not expect that to happen and do expect the Pats to have the 2nd unbeaten Championship team in NFL history. I'll be tuned in. Gator Bill
At some point if you want to win the game your defense has to stop the other teams offense. The Jags just couldn't do that. Congratulations jiffer!