Todays online Salon has one of the most vicious attacks on a politician I can remember. I don't even know what a Dominionist is to tell you the truth. Oh and they save the best for last. That last bit is over a man who was executed in Texas for killing his family. The Gov of course can step in and stop the execution or pardon him. Which of course rarely happens. But this particular case has been drawing a lot of attention from anti death penalty people. It's going to get ugly for Rick Perry if he jumps in the race. I'm sure he's aware of it, and feels he can handle it. But I fear the media will attack him so violently that his message or programs etc will be lost defending himself from these types of attacks. Attack on Rick Perry
Saw a 5 year old Family Guy episode last night in which Rush Limbaugh was the guest and he winds up converting Brian ( the lib-Dem dog ) over to his GOP conservatism. A classic episode that still resonates very well today.....maybe even more so. At one point Rush begins to doubt Brian's "change of colors" and tries to trip him up by blurting "did you hear Texas is going to execute a 4 year old for murder?"...... It does the the trick and Brian fesses up.....etc. Pretty damned funny and I'm not sure how it relates to the topic but I was compelled to post it.
President Obama after the shootings in Tucson that involved Congresswoman Giffords. Nice to see the assholes on his side of the spectrum taking his words to heart.
Texas, unlike the rest of the USA, takes care of business. They choose not to warehouse capital murderers but to dispatch them according to state law. Good for them.
fyi a dominionist is a person (usually a conservative christian but can and should be applied to anyone of any faith who does this in my opinion) who believes they can and should impose their religious beliefs over a secular government. (e.g the US should be governed by Christian tenents as opposed to the Constitution).
re: dominionist That's a new one for me too. Attack, attack, attack...that's all you're going to see. Obama has nothing to run on or to defend; so attack, attack, attack... Romney was also attacked today, with Obama spokesmen calling him "weird" and making oblique attacks on his Mormon faith. What else can the lefties do? They inherited a AAA credit rating from George W. Bush and all of the 43 presidents who came before Obama and they ruined it in less than three years. It was the our first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, who established America's fabulous reputation for paying it's debts; and these clowns have spent us into near bankruptcy in less time than it takes to go golfing 17 weeks in a row. Attack, attack, attack...
A godless, socialist idealogue for a president. Even his pedigree is unknown.He can't run on his life experiences because he never admits he had any. This is like the Twilight Zone.
I forget where I saw it, but some lib dug up Perry's college grades and shockingly he was an average student and got his degree in something Ag related which is again shocking given his background of growing up in a rural area. I'm sure that as usual the libs will attack him as being dumb, which is what they have done to every other Rep candidate while promoting their guy as brilliant. Remember John Kerry? He refused to release all of his military records because the contained his GPA at Yale and he didn't want it known that it was worse than the dumb guy who was Gov of Texas. Now on another board a guy posted this about Obama, who of course was presented to us as another "brilliant" democrat..way smarter than the rest of us. I know all of you will be shocked.
Just to redefine who we are talking about here and the origin of their comments toward anything other than their thought process...
I am on a rant here so please forgive me in advance but the stereotyping of anybody associated in Agriculture is something I have endured for many years. You normally have two different reactions when encountering people you have never met before as they ask what is your occupation. A small percentage is very fascinated and usually has or have had a relative that farms or has farmed. The other mass majority first ask where your overalls are and wonders if you have a full grasp of breathing while walking at the same time. This group is usually the one who thinks that food comes from the grocery store and never bothers to teach their kids that what they eat is not being grown in the back room of the store. With 1 1/2 to 2% of the population directly involved in agriculture it stretches the brain cells to think this small group feeds 311 million people in the US not counting exports outside the country. The advanced science used in farming these days is off the charts and outside of my hourly labor force everyone I come in contact with has a bachelors, masters or doctorate degree. We are the best at what we do in the world and have been for many years. If other industry's had the track record of success that US Agriculture has there would be no debt crisis to worry about. So for anyone to look down at Rick Perry because he has an Ag degree that he applied in the pursuit of running a business that "oh by the way" fed human beings he will never meet is so far above anything his pundits will ever accomplish. Add the fact that you are at the constant mercy of government intervention, freezing weather, excessive heat, heavy winds and rain and the onslaught of nature doing its best to eat or take back the crop you are growing. The hours suck ( I have never worked a 40 hour week in 30 years) with the average weekly hours being 50 - 60 hours in normal times and how all this affects your relationship with your wife and kids as you are never home. So I just chuckle these days when someone uses the word Agriculture as someone who must be slow and not important in the scheme of things. And wonder how fast that person would react if the food being stuffed into his or her mouth was not there anymore... OK rant over, carry on....
I also agree with George and I appreciated Ralph's rant... re: Democrat genius vs. dumb Republican I could give many, many examples, but rather than go on another rant myself, I'll just give one: When he was in Congress, Lyndon Johnson was notorius for making fun of Gerry Ford, the Republican leader in the House. He famously said that, "Gerry had played too much football without wearing his helmet." This of course was a reference to Ford's college days as an All-American at Michigan, with the point of the gag being that Johnson was a clever operator, while Ford was just a dumb football player. For the record: Gerry Ford had a B.A. from Michigan and a J.D. from Yale Law School. He served in the U.S. Navy four years during WWII, including nearly two full years of combat in the Pacific... Lyndon Johnson is a graduate of Southwest Texas State Teacher's College and when Ford was an All-American at Michigan, Johnson was an elevator operator out here at the county courthouse in San Bernardino, California. (There's a plaque in that elevator.) His military record is one of the great, unexplained, mysteries of WWII. While still serving as a Congressman (on the Naval Affairs Committee) he entered the Navy as a Lieutenant Commander; served less than one year; was sent to the Pacific as an observer by Roosevelt; flew on one flight (as an observer) near a combat zone, where his plane turned around and flew back; MacArthur awarded him the Silver Star; he immediately returned to Washington and was honorably discharged and resumed his seat in Congress as a "war hero." Now...could somebody please explain to me Johnson is a genius and Ford is the dummy? Maybe fabricated resumes and incidents of stolen valor are funny in some circles: not mine.
And Jackie Kennedy now reveals in her taped recordings that she believes LBJ was involved in her husbands assassination.
I was reared on a farm in the 30'. Locusts, drought, hailed out, but my parents kept us fed and clothed. Enjoyed the rant.