8) The execution of Saddam Hussein is due any minute now. He is to be unceremoniously strung up without any dramatics. Just a common criminal... Like John Wilkes Booth, he's to be secretly buried for now and then the body returned to his family years later...
8) Saddam was executed along with his half-brother and a former judge. Families of the victims were allowed to witness the execution and danced around the former dictator's body. I guess they just didn't want him hanging around...
:roll: Fox News is reporting scenes of celebration in Deerbornistan, Michigan... Saddam was convicted and hanged for murdering 150 people. His next scheduled trial would have been for murdering 180,000 and there were 12 planned trials... Telecasts of Saddam being hanged with a hood over his head have already appeared on Iraqi TV and can now be viewed on the internet...
If he were in the US Judicial system he'd be just beginning his second lifetime on appeal. I'll say one thing for the Iraq system, 1 appeal, lose, see ya! What was the basis of his appeal? His mother drank while she was pregnant with Saddam? He was borderline retarded? The gloves didn't fit?
I wondered if they were going to video the hanging. I figured they would if for no other reason to have proof that he was dead. If they didn't there would have been rumours that he had plastic surgery and is living in Argentina or some place like that. I thought the videos would eventually make it to the internet, but I thought it would take awhile. Saddam and Satan deserve one another.
terry, they showed the before and after this morning on fox and cnn they played with the tapes so you dont actually see him hanging at least not yet... the other two will die after their holiday .... cracks me up how everyone talks about how he suffered and for how long what about the people he tortured and their familes what about their pain and suffering .I am sorry he only felt pain for a minute or so ..
Complete Saddam execution video now posted and available for viewing on You Tube. One of the Shiite guards had a camera in his cell phone...
Does Saddam get in on the 72 virgins deal as well? It'll be a shame if he doesn't now that he's well hung.
That's pretty good BDR.... :lol: :lol: On the virgin question.....maybe they're just stringing him along.. :lol: