DL Polo Manukainiu was killed in a rollover accident last night. Some are reporting his brother was killed as well, but that is not confirmed as far as I know. Not good... :cry:
Scott, Sad indeed. Youngsters seem to think they are immortal! Unfortunately that is not the case. Such a waste.
This is tragic and very sad for all who lost their lives. I read where he tweeted "22 hour drive back to Texas on no sleep, oh my" just before heading out. Not good at all...
The dead included players from Utah and Texas A&M, as well as a little brother who was 13. These guys were Mormons, so there was no drinking. They were just good kids who either fell asleep at the wheel or made a driving mistake and flipped their SUV. What a tragedy... http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865583818/Utah-football-player-Gaius-Keio-Vaenuku-killed-in-accident-second-player-injured.html
My first thought was drunk driving. Not by these kids but by a vehicle that could have hit them and caused the roll over. It is usually the relaxed drunkard that comes out of the wreck injury free while the innocents die. Reports now are sounding like sleep deprivation is the probable culprit.
I heard of this story as well, along with them reading his tweet on the air, on my drive home yesterday. The news channels were all pretty shocked, as one of the guys was coming up to the U up here.