Got an e mail from the Bicker today. He is in an assisted living setup in Chandler Arizona. He says he cant access THE SKY BOX. Ill get more info I hope. Huskerbaby..arent you in Chandler?
Good for him, I hope he's doing ok. If he can access a computer and do email Jif then there is no reason why he can't access the Skybox. Being as he's a Husker we can get AJ down there to get him some help!!
Get some more Info Jiffer, I'm an hour and a half from Roger. Would be more than happy to see him. How about a SKYBOX gift from all of us?
How about a pint of Woodford Reserve, Knob Creek or Makers Mark? Something to brighten up happy hour around there!! Of course you'd have to agree not to dip into it till you get there!!