The gipper has a bovine sense of humor... Not that we would think of turning this tragedy into a cash cow...but has anyone thought of selling a commemorative t-shirt?
There is a rumour that Roy Williams (now of the Detroit Lions) claimed that after he scored his first home TD he was going to go over and jump on Bevo and ride him. Well when he did and he ran over to BEVO, the closer he got he realized how big he was and decided that discretion was the better part of valor and just went back to the bench. And I'll post this link for Scott to educate him on the real story on how he got to be named BEVO, and it's not what the Aggies tell! For the rest of the story... How Bevo Got his name
Well perhaps coincidence then again.... today I recieved in my mail 2 mailings one from an outfit called Kansas City Steaks the other from Omaha you boys play for keeps in "Big 12 Country" By the way the autopsy reports are on smoking and no buckeyes were found in any of his stomaches, though there was some suspicious fur that they claim belonged to a northern dwelling sub-mammal that seems to be related to the rodent family.....more to come 8)
Brisket he!!. 20+ year old beef becomes McDonald's Quarter Pounders. You want 2 or 3 year old Brisket. Bevo would be the toughest steak you have ever eaten.
Obviously the thought of a rematch in the Arizona desert was more than the old boy could handle.....RIP. :wink: Terry