Rick watching the new;s are you a Kim ok ... did the storm cause any damage to your home...... could not believe that after the 5 storms in a row last month didnt do any damage but this one last night and today I think in 20 hours we got 4 inch's of rain and even hail.... but Jim and I were worried about you. I wanted to post this on the sports one, but wasnt sure I could.... hope your ok.. and not floating down oceanview Blvd
Thanks Tom.. I was really worried I have digital phone that goes out when it rains and we got hit really bad today.... I was worried about Rick and Kim I was alos worried about Mr krebbs. and all that snow
We're fine. Turned out to be not quite as bad as the December storm (25"); this time we got about 15" in my immediate area. It was very windy all day so the drifts reached three feet. In south Jersey ( Atlantic City to Cape May ) they had over two feet and a loss of power for extended periods. It's going to stay cold here all week( Its a wind chill of -1 ) right now. That means this snow is not going anywhere for a while and we have another potential big snowfall coming Tuesday night into Wednesday. This is unusual for this area... we are only about three miles from the beach and just had a period of two years with no snow at all. So how are you guys making out? Just watched mudslides roaring through Streets north of LA like roaring rapids. Time for Rick to weigh in...
... not if he has shown his face in Donelson Tennessee. The residents of that community will linch him for how he turned his back on them in 1988 and 1989. Davidson county is not a place that he desires to visit.
Windy here in the Tampa area......high around 60 today. Very chilly but hey.....no snow and a wind chill 45 degrees warmer than NJ. Should be about 80 in two weeks........ 8)
The preceding commercial break was brought to you by Topic Drifters. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming: Ricko starring in "Lost in Cali. Earth calling Ricko
Thanks, Diane and Tom. We're fine, just soggy. Diane, we're a few miles away from both the San Gabriel foothills and the Verdugos on relatively level ground, so we're in good shape. The rains yesterday were some of the hardest I've seen in the last six years. Water was just rushing down our street. This morning the neighborhood is littered with downed branches and leaves. It's sunny and 55 right now. Hope you're well, too.
Great! Now that we have heard from Rick, I'll move this back to the back room. There will be a shadow topic on the sports board that will eventually drop off the front page.
glad your ok..... it was quite a few down pours even hail covered our lawn.. but I am glad your ok give kim a hugs for me
Glad to hear you folks are ok. This got me thinking though Rick. In the event you are affected by a natural disaster (God forbid), do you have a contingency plan for the Beer Fridge? ....Concerned in Missouri sends....
Glad to hear you're okay too, Diane. Rain coming tomorrow! AJ - the beer fridge is the contingency plan in the event of natural disaster.