First off, I thought this Guy (sorry) was already in the HOF. Unbelievable that he just made it. Ray Guy was one of the 4-5 Guys (sorry again) on those classic Raiders teams that was instrumental in their success. Yeah, he was a punter, and didn't work that much, but when they needed him, he did his job, and did it better than anybody else....for a long time. Ray Guy made punting cool when it wasn't.
He is the standard I hold all punters up to. And to be honest there have been none who have come close. Since I had a hunch I was not going to be playing QB or running the ball one day in the NFL Ray Guy inspired me as a ten year year old that a simple punter could influence the game. So I punted every chance I could, trying to put everything inside the ten yard line and getting inside the five was worthy of Ray Guy I was convinced. Glad he made it in and is finally being recognized, the HOF is better off for it.
I confess that I also believed that he was already in the HOF. He was in a category all by himself. There's nothing like him, before or since. I remember when they built the Louisiana Superdome and declared that no one would ever be able to hit the scoreboard, which hung over the middle of the field. Ray Guy went in there and hit it several times just warming up. There is no statistic for "hang time." He often made punt returns impossible and there's no stat for that either...