aka the GenX and younger crowd, but this is pretty much the only time I've laughed in days. http://www.everydayshouldbesaturday...py-holidays-or-a-lawyer-destroys-a-television I've never been 'that guy', but I've almost been 'that guy' and better still, we all know 'that guy.' In one form, or the other.
HAHA! Kesley's former Bro-in-law was THAT guy. He was atrocious! His kill to death ratio was somewhere around 1/5. We'd let him play with us just for the laughs. I gave up Call of Duty a while back. Lag was becoming such a downer, it just wasn't worth it anymore.
I wouldn't be helping your addiction at all to let you know that with the latest cable internet connections, lag is just not an issue at all
We're gonna have to hear Kes tell us about his brother in law. BTW, I am fairly certain that 'Rick' in that story is 'Rick Muscles' who is a local here from Decatur... fabulous.
There were a few significant differences between "J" and this guy. One, it sounds like this guy cared that he sucked. J didn't care. At all. Two, it sounds like this guy had a good sized television to play on. J didn't. Three, it sounds like this guy played for hours at a time. J could play only for a couple hours before having a honey-do to accomplish. Yes, J was bad. Real bad. Scott makes him sound pretty good with a KDR of 1:5, but I'm pretty sure it was closer to 1:10. There were numerous games he would go 0fer with double-digit deaths. Some of his deaths were just incredible, like fate knew he deserved death so bad that bullets, explosions, edges of the map would mysteriously appear and kill him at any time. And I don't remember him once raising his voice. I tried to find his record on COD4, but he is no longer on my friends list so I couldn't look up his actual record. If you played against him, you would swear his trigger button was broken, even though he was someone that had to STOP in order to aim at someone, almost like his two thumbsticks were exclusive control. Yes, bad.