....and I agree Mr. Speaker......enough of this rudder-less social experiment. It's past time.....where is the leadership? https://secure.marketwatch.com/story/poor-jobs-data-stuns-wall-street-politicians-2011-07-08
Prepare to be blindsided bt Boehner. He will fold like a cheap suit in front of Obama and capitulate to some kind of tax increase. Just watch.
Unfortunately Krebsie, in addition to meaningful entitlement reform and spending cuts, I see no other responsible way out of the mess that this administration has created with their idealistic mismanagement of this country's economy.....I see Boehner and Co as the adult supervision here and we can't "play chicken" with the debt ceiling or risk damage that can't be undone for generations, if ever, imho....hopefully the increases will be short-lived until we have a responsible chief executive......
Estimated real unemployment rate over 16%. One out of six Americans unemployed. As some bozo would say, this is the "Summer of recovery."
Yeah.....the damned thing was just humming along when Obama took the oath on Jan. 21st 2009....... ....... :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: ......damn that's funny. Not to mention Lehman Bros. and the mortgage/credit crisis here is an article that sums up very well the devastation of the economy late in the Bush presidency: http://www.autoobserver.com/2010/02/crash-course-covers-bailouts-and-bankruptcies.html "The city's battered economy was reflected on the football field, where the University of Michigan was enduring its first losing season in 40 years, and the Detroit Lions were plummeting to pro football's first 0-16 season. During their 47-10 drubbing on Thanksgiving Day 2008, fans unfurled a banner reading: "Bail Out the Lions." It was a gallows-humor reference not only to the football team but also to the weakest teams in town -- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. America's Big Three car companies, bleeding from more than $100 billion of losses in the prior four years, had shed more than 333,000 employees since the beginning of the century -- enough to populate the city of Cincinnati." Whaaat....it was just a slight dip....a good president would have turned this little blip around in 6 months...... :lol: :lol:
Dave... serious question... Just how long do YOU give Obama to start turning things around? We all know that you want to blame Bush for everything. So, how long before Dave says that Obamanomics can't do it?
Forget it Tom. The American economy will eventually cure itself. The big question is, how long will recovery be stiffled by the complete incompetents in the administration that now admit that "it was worse than we thought" but told us all that they knew that if they pissed away a trillion dollars they'd fix it. Remember FDR hung in there for 9 yrs. and was reelected twice by idiots who kept blaming Hoover.
:idea: There are counties here in California where the unemployment rate is 25%. My county (San Bernardino Co.) is joining with other inland counties to get an initiative on the next ballot to form our own state and secede from California all together. The new state would run from the Mexican border to Fresno, bypassing the socialist coastal counties and creating the state of Southern California with it's capitol at either Fresno or San Diego. I will vote for this if they can get it on the ballot. This will be our new state in yellow...
The FDR refernce has relevancy here because it took more than a decade for things to get turned around after the Great Depression and this Freat Recession has been just about as nasty. And yet the rhetoric flies about why Obama hasn't done more in his 2 1/2 years trying to get the ship upright. Too bad MCCain didn't win instead of Obama because you would all be sitting here defending him on why the economy was still moribund while the Dem detractors would have him skewered because of his lack of progress. Heck.....if the GOP were to win the next election that may still be the case unfortunately. I just read an article that talked about how the 50 hour work week plus is becoming more the norm with higher paying jobs while at the same time companies are hiring more part time and outsourced employees to cut expenses.,,,,,,,essentially putting the screw to employees at the lower end of the pay scale by eliminating benefits. There are jobs that may never come back and there are consumers that may never have the purchasing power they used to have. No magical GOP strategy is going to change the impact of that.
Just watched economist Peter Morici categorically state that the effective unemployment rate in the US is 20% when you take into consideration the number of people who have completely given up looking for work and the number of college grads who are working at McDonalds and bagging groceries. Yesterday I heard a radio report detailing how GM is actively and currently shipping manufacturing jobs out of the US to China. That's your thanks you for the tax payer saving of their very lives. Meanwhile Ford sales are robust and the #1 reason? They refused government help. What Obama has done has come into a bad situation and made it unfathomably worse by throwing money at it in the name of "doing something". The debt he has run up may have finished us.
Well for one he wouldn't have pissed away a trillion dollars on a phony, completely ineffective "stimulus" giveaway. And we wouldn't be staring down a future economy crippling health care system that will be as solid as Medicare and Social Security. We'd be developing more domestic oil, and keeping our coal plants in operation. And we'd be reading in the leftist media how wonderful it would have been if only Obama would have been elected. Oh and FDR never got the economy turned around Hitler and Tojo were responsible for the recovery.
You keep trying to deflect the argument....I will readily admit that the economy was in poor shape upon his election. Done....over. Now moving on, I will judge him and his leadership on the actions he has taken - or not as the case may be - to either make things better or make them worse. This administration has created a mess by the complete lack of leadership and idealistic and naive mismanagement of this economy.....
Until you answer, I will keep asking: Dave... serious question... Just how long do YOU give Obama to start turning things around? We all know that you want to blame Bush for everything. So, how long before Dave says that Obamanomics can't do it?
How long? How long would it take the most brilliant economic strategist to turn such a deep mess around? 10 years? Three terms? This is the extent of the economic abyss inherited by Obama so two terms may not do it. The GOP is better off having Obama win in 2012 and then letting their guy in 2016 take credit for the turnaround.
Outsourcing... last week the bank I worked for for 17 years closed its doors here over 1200 people lost their jobs majority of them had been w. company between 10 and 30 years most not old enough to retire. where did the jobs go ... India and the Philipines and a few to Mexico City. I retired with a full package (because I had been warned to go and take the money before it was cut in half) they didnt and they had there pensions cut in half, when they are eligible to receive it and as long as they bank doesnt go under. they lost their jobs because the Bank doesnt want to do business here they will take your money write loans do mortages and credit cards but they wont keep employees here my office was just the first the other 9 locations are schedued to be gone by 2012 another 15000 jobs to a foreign country. :cry:
We were told by Obama that if the stimulus package was passed unemployment would not go above 8%. Which was it Dave a flat out lie or an individual that had no freakin' idea about what shape the economy was in? And last year we heard our idiotic VP tell us that we were about to embark on a "summer of recovery." It never happened. Was it a lie or another pronouncement by someone who has no clue about what is going on in the economy and how to fix it? We've gotten to the point that the leader of this country is ranting about the tax breaks given to corporate jets. He's of course pointing his finger at the Republicans for this gift to the rich. In fact the extention of this tax break was part of HIS stimulus bill. Only 3 Republicans voted for that bill. It was a Democratic operation all the way. http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/2011/06/heritage-yes-obama-still-owns-tax-break-corporate-jets It's impossible to enumerate all the lies this guy has fed us. Closing gitmo? Bringing ALL the troops home from Iraq? Ending special interest set asides? Televising the hearings on the health bill? Trying terrorists in NYC? It goes on and on.
The new American way.......and is there anything that could change it? Americans cannot work for $3.00 per hour and no benefits. Oh they could........and live in a box by the river which seems just fine to some on the right.
Dave, Maybe I didn't make my point clear enough. Let me restate the question: How long do you give Obamanomics to simply stop the downward spiral and turn it into a ever so slight up tick? I'm not asking for miracles here. How long do you give unemployment numbers on their current rise before you say enough? How high does the national debt have to rise before you say enough? How much does the American dollar have to devaluate before you say enough? Stalin stated a long time ago that the way to defeat America was from within. The USSR didn't do it but the Islamic nation sure has a grand start on that idea.
My question is only relevant to the actions that this administration has undertaken in their efforts to address the economic issues facing our country and grow this economy......has it been passing, average or superior? A, C or F? Have they made things better or worse? Do you believe their action or rather inaction and rhetoric with respect to the entitlements are beneficial to the long term health and welfare of our country? Do you believe the effectiveness of their efforts deserve another term? I'm not interested in your views on the prior administration...they have been well documented to excess. Let's deal with the actions of the current leadership .........