Someone...announcer, host, producer...someone at MSNBC saying "Oh God" in a real scoffing tone as La Republican Governor Jindal walked up to give his GOP response to the state of the union...???!?!?!? I can't be the only one who heard this.
I didn't hear it. I couldn't watch for very long, after watching Obama's smooth delivery of his speech it was too painful to watch Jindals herky jerky body motion and the wondering when he would stop talking about his boyhood and whether or not his dad paid off the OBGYN.
I was on the road and listening to the speech and the response on the radio. Without the benefit of TV, Jindall sounded like he was reading a fairy tale to a kindergarten class, trying to impress them through phony speech inflections that sounded completely contrived. After listening to Obama's phenomenally polished delivery, it was painful to listen to Jindall. I kept asking myself, is this the best the Republicans have to offer?
.....agreed Sid, but as we have seen thus far, there is much, much more to running the country than being skilled in front of a teleprompter....give me the proper policy actions and skilled executive leadership ANY DAY over smooth delivery. I've seen the slick delivery. We ALL need skilled executive leadership and effective policy actions, and thus far, imho, he hasn't found the plate......
Unfortunately in a national election things like getting a catchy slogan going early, being smooth in front of a crowd are all just as important as having some substance.
Gip, No.. this guy got elected because a large part of America hasn't been listening, or paying attention to what others had to say. They allowed a movement to grow and run unchecked. You can't get all sides of the issue if you're not listening to everyone...even the mad man. So I started with the mad man and worked my way back around to the other reports. If anyone cares, I found it. Oh My GOD If you guys want a real laugh, check the Drudge headline right now. It is easily one of his funniest in a few years.
You guys ( the GOP ) don't get it. Bush had the lowest approval ratings on record and voters wanted a change of leadership in the Whitehouse. I think it's pretty simple what happened.
Obama was your (Dem) nominee because he was 1) black 2) much smoother than Hilary 3) Bill Clinton couldn't keep his mouth shut. If we are talking about qualifications then Obama was the least qualified of your Dem candidates but the most charismatic. No doubt though that the Rep lost the election partly because of country's dissatisfaction with Bush, and also we just didn't have a candidate that even the party could get behind and no matter whether or not Sarah Palin was a legit VP candidate or not all of her personal baggage was just too much to make any difference. Also inspite of the all the dissatisfaction, the dissarray within the Republican party Obama got 52.9% of the vote, just a little over half hardly some sort of landslide mandate.
Dave, I live with the ACORN director in this region. Don't tell me about what I get and don't get. There are many, many reasons why Obama won this election and America is only mature enough to talk openly about half of them. Bush's entire presidency was met with sabotage and resistance by the very same people who are now DEMANDING that we all get in line behind Der Bahmer. Bush did more than his fair share to hurt himself, but history may well prove that the ignorant ones were his constituents. The irony here is that we spent 8 years reading and hearing about hysterical claims of freedoms being stripped away by the Federal Govt... but now we're going to see that freedom removed and it will be given voluntarily.
.....untrue. This congress has the lowest approval ratings on record. Judging by what they did to the "stimulus" package, I'd say that's appropriate.....
To back what T is saying here about that being bunk. Looking at the Wiki for approval ratings, it appears Bush's lowest numbers ... wrong) the American people were at the time.
I felt going into the last election that because of the unpopularity of Bush, Hitler could have run as a Democrat and won.....AND he probably would have gotten the Jewish vote! Television has changed our political scene forever. Until the 50's few in this country ever saw our president while he was speaking. His views and his speeches as carried in the press were of upmost importance. Ever since the Kennedy-Nixon debates, TV has been the deciding factor in our elections. The MTV generation cares more about the color of a candidate's eyes than his ideology.
Gipper, VERY true. That is taught as biblical fact in college... Yet, ironically, they never seem to pursue that to critically analyze the issue further..
here is a link to a story about the "Oh God!" comment. The youtube video has been removed. Wonder why?
One thing you can count on is that the Left wingers will do their best to give everybody the impression that Jindal is stupid. Of course Jindal is an honors graduate of Brown, like el Jiffo, and is a Rhodes Scholar. But somehow that will all be shunted aside and they'll do their best to paint him stupid. I always thought it was funny that after painting W as stupid and Kerry as an intellectual elite that W had a better 4 year grade average than Kerry. Of course that didn't come out because Kerry would never allow full release of his military records till after the election. No doubt he knew that W had a higher class rank than he did and it would be hard to paint somebody as stupid who was ahead of you in class rank.
Chris Matthews made that comment last night and it was replayed all over FOX today. Presumably it the ecstatic conclusion of him rubbing off during Obama's speech. Those warm feelings going up his leg don't come cheap 8) Jindal was disappointing. I was all amped up to hear him since he is supposed to be one of the bright lights to lead the GOP out of the wilderness. Instead , he sounded like Kumar reading "Green Eggs n Ham" to a pre-school group. He lost me in five minutes. Unless he discovers a cure for cancer I think he has hit the zenith of his political career.