"We are, child rape" Jesus.... The BOT saved their ass and these students/fans are about to leave a lasting legacy that they don't want.
This thing might get worse, it's now being reported that there are rumours going around that Sandusky pimped out kids to rich donors of the 2nd Mile Foundation. Also that Sandusky's retirement at Age 55 at the peak of his career was in exchange for a coverup of what he was doing.
Wonder if the people who are started that story were the same ones who claimed that Urban Meyer seen at State College buying a home or that Sarah Palin's daughter's son who has Downs syndrome was actually Palin's child. One problem with today's media is how quickly **** can get pumped out on the internet and filter its way into the main stream media. I hope to High Heaven that story has no legitimacy.
I too hope it's false but the reporter breaking this latest story is the same one who broke the original story..... six months before anyone else. If this is true I would think Paterno would be exposed to some type of criminal charges by his inaction all these years. As its is both he and PSU and all the other players can count on years of civil action.
Oh! my bad, I started a new topic for this revelation. I didn't see that you guys had been covering it here.