Surprised we have not had any comment on this issue - on either side. No compensation? Hmmmmmm.........working for the man for free - not even room and board. What would Lincoln say? :wink: My guess is that this is only the beginning....Schumer is making noises about legislation limiting comopensation across the board in all companies.... What role should the central government play in setting compensation in private companies? The consequences are enormous.....are Pelosi and Reid the appropriate decision makers for the allocation of human capital for the entirety of our economic system? They seem to think so.......may God help us. :shock:
One thing really caught my eye.... when this story broke the White House initially denied any knowledge of it. Quickly realizing that turd would not float, even with PMSNBC, they amended their tale to say that the Czar "works autonomously". Now there are 34 of these autonomous Czars running loose who answer to no one apparently. Socialism is kicking into high gear. Centralized government now runs the major private industries and will probably add the medical frontier to their collection shortly. We have appointees, people nobody elected or even know, running all aspects of private industry. The White House now is targeting the press for absolute control. At the age of 55 I never thought I would ever see anything like this. p.s. Today it was announced that massive fraud permeates the first time homeowners tax credit program including a confirmed 3000 illegals getting the credit as well as 53 IRS agents and numerous children.
Obama and the democrats have gone after high achievers across the board and they are easy targets because they are well rewarded in our society. Liberals and most of those under the big Democratic tent see these people as worthy targets, fat cats, common man is the one who gets screwed ..yada yada yada. I don't notice Obama worrying about how much obscene money Oprah makes or George Clooney.
Add this to the other frauds pirating the US treasury. It's open season on taxpayer's wallets.