8) It's hard to punish Corey. So many other people want to clobber him that you need to take a number and stand in line.
Aaron Boone the new Yankee mgr...anybody see that coming? Stanton to meet with the Cardinals? I thought for sure he'd go to Boston or New York, the Cards while not a cheapo team usually don't pay the big bucks that he's going to get. But then if they want to beat the Cubs and Dodgers....
Stanton to Giants is also a big rumor. Long suffering Marlin fans are not going to be happy. They will not get much in the way of players but get relief from the big salary.
They'd be fools to send him to SF. If they are looking for a solid trade, the Dodgers are their best route. IMHO.
Glad to see Tram finally getting into the Hall https://deadspin.com/alan-trammell-wins-long-overdue-election-to-hall-of-fam-1821169959
What does it say about Jack Morris when that article is very positive and praising of Trammel and has 1 line about Morris. Not a lot of ink on Morris. He had a solid career and pitched a lot of innings every year though.
:idea: :!: Jack Morris should have been in the HOF years ago. He didn't just eat up innings; he ate up opponents. He also pitched Detroit, Minnesota and Toronto to the World Series.
I met Jack Morris as a young man in central Florida, he would hunt Osceola turkeys on the 19,000 acre hunting area my father helped manage next to our house. He was a great guy and I wish I still had all the baseball paraphernalia he gave us kids.
Morris was nails and he made every team he was on better. He was a cornerstone of pitching Minnesota to the World Series, not to mention Toronto and Detroit. The guy was a stud. He belongs in the HOF and his career was a lot more than a side note.
There were a number of other articles discussing that both of these mainstays of the '84 Championship team are headed to the Hall. I just used a link for one discussing Trammell. Morris was the ace of the staff of that team but he wasn't the most likable of players. I think that hurt him with the voters. Tiger fans were unhappy to see him leave especially since he want to the Twins. He's done some radio and TV work in Detroit the past few years.