<iframe width="728" height="409" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IccDipfm4-U" frameborder="0"></iframe>
the kid with the shaking hands at the end of the video reminded me of a local old boy who flew a Corsair in the Pacific. Our football program doesn't have a mom or dad's day, we have a Veteran's Day game in which local Vets are honored at half time. Anywho, he had some great stories. He said the only 2 times he was every truly scared during his service was when the flare went off before each mission and when trying to chase down suicide bombers. I thought on that a bit. That means night time aircraft carrier landings were fine with him, the dog fighting was fine with him. Bomb runs were fine with him. But his fear got up the moment he knew each mission wouldn't be stood down and when trying to directly protect American lives aboard the ship. He also described trying to shoot down the Zero as 'like shooting butterflies with a bb gun while driving a moving car.' Even that, didn't scare him. btw, in the spirit of this thread, here's some video http://www.military.com/video/opera.../ww2-f4u-corsair-guncam-footage/1712751873001