Ole Miss currently in the lead..... Kinda hard to read....left to right the columns are current # under scholarship (max = 85), departures is # seniors + early departures for NFL, medical or transfer, budget = # spots below 85 + departures, #verbals = 2011 verbal commits, Cup Points = # commits above recruiting "budget" Example - Ole Miss has 85 kids currently on scholarship (the max), they have 15 kids departing leaving a "budget" of 15 available spots. They thus far 26 verbal commits giving them 11 "Oversigning Cup"points = 26 commits - 15 budget. Some progress on this front, I believe this is the first year the NCAA enforces a 28 offer max..... The Oversigning Cup - 2011 School SPES Departures Budget # Verbals Cup Points Ole Miss 85 15 15 26 +11 Alabama 85 12 (8sr+3jr+1ts) 12 20 (+2gs)=22 +10 LSU 85 12 (11sr+1jr) 12 21 +9 South Carolina 77 18 26 26 0 Florida State 74 13 24 22 -2 Notre Dame 78 18 25 22 -3 Florida 84 18 19 16 -3 Nebraska 85 23 (20sr+2md+1tr) 23 16 (+1gs+1ms)=18 -5 Auburn 84 25 (22sr+3jr) 26 17 -9 Iowa 85 29 29 19 -10 http://oversigning.com/testing/
Interesting site...reading on down a little further (since we all expressed opinions on this once before on another thread)...
Yes we did....I thought it of interest the concept of the "Oversigning Cup" and the fact that these guys were tracking it annually to get an idea of what was happening this year....it seems as if they are working to get data on all schools but just have not completed the task, hence the limited dataset on the "Cup" standings. In light of the poll results from the site - 85% believe it represents a competitive advantage - it was helpful to see the NCAA taking steps - albeit baby ones - to begin to limit the potential for abuse.....
Interesting point on why Georgia Tech left the SEC. I wasn't aware of that. I always thought they left becuase of the fight with Bama. PJ in Jersey
Couple other things; Tressel mention (and video on the site); Also interesting that it's claimed to be more prevalent in the SEC West...much less so in the East and Georgia doesn't do it...also there is a discussion that discontent with SEC oversigning was a big reason for Georgia Tech leaving the SEC...way back in the 60's I knew nothing of this issue until somebody posted that last thread on the Skybox...so obviously I understand very little about it... This site (Oversigning.com) seems to be bringing it a bit more into the light.
Apparently in Dodd's book, he makes it pretty clear that the primary reason Tech left the SEC is because this issues.....hence my earlier comment about Bobby Dodd rolling over in his grave.
This is a hideous practice, obviously embraced in the south. Miss has 11 more players than spots. I'll bet they don't have eleven players who can count to eleven.
oversigning <t>so what's the deal do these schools over sign recruits knowing that some are not going to qualify?</t>
.....it appears as if the discussion is only going to intensify as we approach signing day. That's a good thing..... http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/footba...-Themes-Oversigning-s-season?urn=ncaaf-309785
While certainly no saint, I think most would agree that, at least as it relates to the subject issue, he found the high ground.....shouldn't therefore be difficult for those believed to be of superior ethical fiber than Dodd to do likewise, imo.
BT, You might want to google, Paul Bryant, Bobby Dodd and the Saturday Evening Post magazine. It might explain why it is easy to find Bobby Dodd saying bad things about Alabama. :idea:
Thanks KP, I am familiar with the history between the two.....I understand there was no love lost between them.....
What exactly is the new SEC rule? South Carolina is up to 31 verbals, I thought that the new SEC rule only allows 28 NLOI's on National Signing day? Does the SEC allow them to fudge that with Early Entries counting against previous classes, or not count Jr. College kids against the 28? What's the deal here?
I'm not certain of the SEC rule, but I was under the impression that it was an NCAA rule that only allowed 28 on signing day....looks like the ole ball coach has got something up his sleeve.....or there are going to be some very disappointed kids on signing day. :shock:
I think the rule is that you can only have 28 LOIs signed per year. Verbals are not covered. The grayshirt thing is I think they sign the LOI but don't enroll until next January so they count against next year's numbers.