Even the left leaning Euros and the Economist magazine see the threat to our economy from the excessive growth of the bureaucracy business.....it's got to be pretty severe when the Euro's call us over-regulated. Can there be ANY question that the rhetoric, bureaucratic ideology and policies of this administration has been a major influence on the lack of business investment in our economy? Without investment, there can be no growth.... http://www.economist.com/node/21547789
And the train is still rushing down the track and gaining speed. So the ideal thing to do is re-elect Obama right??? Scary is not a strong enough word for what is going on.
No need for regulation eh? I just saw a documentary over the weekend that reviewed several fatal facory explosions due to dust accumulations of various kinds all the while OSHA had no real regualtions on the books to monitor and regulate dangerous dust accumulations in factory settings. It kept hitting them over the head and yet they couldn't see their way to do something about saftey to save lives. Screw it....we might as well be China.
Show me where ANYBODY here said that at ANY time..... Again you can't stand on the strength of your own arguments so you must distort those of others to help you out.....it is an old and transparent tactic that reflects only on the strength of your position. Speaking of China, if this failed presidency gets another term, we'll be looking up at China in the rankings of world economies.....
BT.....maybe the only answer for us is throw safety and the resultant regulation out the window. For some any endorsement of industry regulation invites political criticism from the far right. Over-regulated by whose standards is the question. If we as a nation lower our standards out of economic desperation then yes.....there are industries and practices that are over-regulated.
There you go again.....I give up, next in line The Economist is a European publication and left-leaning in its political views. That should give you some indication...read the article.
I first flew over the Detroit River where it emptys out into Lake Erie back in the spring of 1977 and it looked abysmally disgusting.....probably like Chinese waterways near industrial zones look today. Pollution laws governing our waterways were just starting to get some teeth and I have to tell you that 30 years later.....say by 2007 the Detroit River and upper Lake Erie were transformed into an almost scenic waterway utilized by boaters and fishermen alike. Lake St. Clair....between the U.S. and Canada offers up some of the best fishing and boating of anywhere in the U.S. and it's a magnificent juxtaposition of a view to sit near Walpole Island Reservation in crystal clear clean water teeming with fish and see the Detroit skyline off in the distance. If the present day GOP were in power then in '77 and for the next couple of decades or so with the same economic afflictions then as we have now facing us I have to wonder what these waterways would look like? 1977 or 2007 ? Note I am talking about the "drill baby drill" generation of today's GOP and not the opposition GOP of the Carter admin. or the Reaganites......who were a little more sensitive to what makes America beautiful back in those days.
George....which stuff? My impression of the far right GOP of today? They seem hardcore and reckless to me.....insensitive and uncaring to about much except things that relate to corporate and wealthy estate taxation and negative to anything....I mean anything that doesn't coddle corporations and business owners. That ******** about abortions....religion etc. doesn't fool me.....that's just necessary to pander to the voting base. My question to you George is do you truly feel that this group of GOP legislators of today would have made the tough regulatory decisions necessary to clean up America's waterways from the sorry state they were in the 60s and 70s?
That is just ridiculous.....you are simply blinded by your own ideology and completely uninterested in any fact or set of facts that may contradict your radical viewpoint.
I don't know, MCG. Would Truman have dropped the A Bomb today? You can only judge leaders in their own time.
Let's look at the opposite of the "drill baby, drill" crowd. You know the ones. They always tell the American people that they're aim is to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. And how do they do this? 1. They piss away billions of American taxpayer dollars on solar panel production such as Solyndra. 2. One of their first executive orders stops off shore drilling in a number of fertile drilling areas. 3. They stop Yucca mountain, a critical facility for the storage of nuclear waste after 17 billion dollars were spent to build the facility. 4. They continue to oppose drilling in the frozen desert called ANWAR. As you recall one of their "reasons" offered 10 years ago is that it would take 10 years to put it into production. 5. They champions electric vehicles like the Volt which has incredible sales numbers measured in the hundreds. 6. They kill the Keystone pipeline from western Canada to the gulf. This project would provide non Mideastern oil to the US and provide us with thousands of high paying construction jobs. 7. And of course the coal industry is under assault. New EPA regulations will result in the closing of 32 coal power plants and 36 others are in jeopardy of closing. Once again thousands of jobs will be lost. And, where will all that electricty to power all those hundreds of Volts come from? The hypocracy of the anti drill folks is overwhelming.
We might as well promote nuclear energy and pipeline construction jobs. An American company has been at the forefront of some of the newest and greatest technology the world has ever seen......Apple......and it's Iphone and Apple's products are not made in the U.S.: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/22/business/apple-america-and-a-squeezed-middle-class.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all "Apple executives say that going overseas, at this point, is their only option. One former executive described how the company relied upon a Chinese factory to revamp iPhone manufacturing just weeks before the device was due on shelves. Apple had redesigned the iPhone’s screen at the last minute, forcing an assembly line overhaul. New screens began arriving at the plant near midnight. A foreman immediately roused 8,000 workers inside the company’s dormitories, according to the executive. Each employee was given a biscuit and a cup of tea, guided to a workstation and within half an hour started a 12-hour shift fitting glass screens into beveled frames. Within 96 hours, the plant was producing over 10,000 iPhones a day. “The speed and flexibility is breathtaking,” the executive said. “There’s no American plant that can match that.” Ah....no.....no there isn't.
George, Americans have forgotten what it's like to work 70 hour weeks for low wages and slim benefits. The Chinese are showing us the way and if we can just see the light of day and elect a full GOP political slate in this nation of ours maybe we can begin to compete with our worthless labor market against those so selfless but efficient Chinese.
I believe very strongly that they would have done what they believed to be in our best interest to confront the problem and seek a resolution. We have massive problems in this day and age of mushrooming entitlement spending, massive budget deficits and a crushing debt burden. Do you truly feel that this set of liberal politicians/community organizers can make the tough decisions necessary to clean up America's structural budget issues from the sorry state they are currently in? The end of his first term is rapidly approaching and he has yet to pass a budget.....not even one, and yet you believe that his performance has earned him another term. Why is it that on the job performance has no bearing on your decision making?