Woody used to tell everybody he could, pay back by paying forward. I spent a lot of time in this place back in the day.....glad to see they are taking good care of it. Well done AD, Coach and all Buckeye boosters.......good stuff. Proud to be a Buckeye! http://www.cleveland.com/osu/index.ssf/2008/08/athletic_departments_gift_help.html
No doubt Ath Depts at schools that make the big bucks like Ohio State, Texas, Fla, etc need to give back to the school. I think I read recently that UF also gave back several millions to Fla, to support some academic project. ND has always had Athletics support academics. When we were getting the full amount for a BCS/Major bowl appearance, the entire amount after the expenses of the game always went to Academics. So kudo's to you Buckeyes!