I hear this looney had 5 guns. I am afraid of looneys who have multiple weapons. In fact...looneys shouldn't have any weapons but how can we know and do we even care to know? It seems more important to some that they.. (the looneys).. have the right to own those weapons if they so choose......never mind the fact they are batshit crazy. One thing is for sure...I think all of us have at one time or another worked with some strange...or hot headed individuals....or both.... and we just have to pray that they don't have a cabinet full of guns and ammo sitting at home waiting for them to go off the deep end.
Mental health is what free societies do worst. It has to be that way and it's part of the price of liberty. All the little Lee Harvey Oswalds who would be quickly rounded up and vanish in a dictatorship can thrive in a democracy for years. I've never heard of a good solution to this problem that's compatible with freedom...
I don't know what the answer is. I do know that the police resonse was relatively quick, probably minutes in the single digit range. That is why I carry a firearm. A cop is too heavy to carry. If this happened in Texas, there may not have been any different result. There again, he may have been stopped at zero killed but himself. We tend to focus on the fact that there was a gun used. I remember when I lived in Tennessee, back in 1988. A disgruntled ex-employee came back to work in the middle of the night and drilled a hole in the block wall. He slipped a pipe through the wall and connected a propane tank to it. The detectives never found the method of ignition but assumed that either a phone ringing or the HVAC system set off the explosion that leveled the building as the first five employees entered the building. Loonies are going to find a way to create devistation. Another disgruntled employee came back for his final check holding a big gulp mug. He mamed 8 people with hydroflouric acid (HF). In 1988 in Tennessee, HF was not well known. It is mainly used in semiconductor processing. HF attacks, among other things, calcium. It has no odor and has very little affect on skin. People thought that they had been splashed with water. It was almost 8 hours later when the pain set in from the HF miagrating through the skin and attacking the bones. The ones that further delayed treatment lost life or limb.
We already have one, it was included with the original 10. Problem is that for some reason we had to ammend it 126 times.
In reference to the label "looneys" I'm not sure who is more dangerous. Is it the "gone postal" folks who kill innocent bystanders with a weapon of choice that makes headlines. Or is it the United States bureaucracy that kills folks with its illustrious policies that never makes a headline...Its never the headlines that get my attention its what's not making the headline that does... I agree MCG looneys should not have weapons but my definition of looney would include the government because they are batshit crazy.... RC
Words I can agree with. Could you imagine Pelosi with an automatic weapon? I can but I don't want to. I sit back and watch the news showing demonstrations gone wrong in Greece and elsewhere wondering when, not if, it is going to happen here. If we keep going with the trends of the last year, the US dollar will be worth nothing and the people of the US will be in the same shape as Greece. Hold on tight boys. The ride is going to get a little rougher.
5 dead, 13 injured, serial killer on the loose. Apparently none of the victims had handguns to protect themselves. The killer is using a knife. Why arent there any loony anti-knife advocates out there to express their outrage? http://www.truecrimereport.com/2010/08/flint_serial_killer_police_sea.php
Well said indeed. This is an atrocity that could have repercussions. Certainly it doesn't help race relations and gives fodder to those assholes that harbored the cop killer here a few weeks ago. FYI on that a roadside memorial to those two young white fathers was recently desecrated. Shows how some blacks in this community feel.