Urban Meyer turns in Gators for alleged recruiting violation???? When investigated no violation was uncovered. Urban Meyer turns in Gators for alleged recruiting violation????
Urban is a relentless recruiter who will use any "legal" tactic at his disposal to get top kids to his program. As noted in the article, the kid in question is no longer considering UF. Urban accomplished his goal, elminating competition. All legal.
George and Terry, I have to agree. However if an accusation is not true and documented as such and the prospect eliminates the team that did nothing wrong then my position would be let him go, there are other fish in the sea. The next Percy Harvin is a title that has been thrown out to a number of Gator recruits, but none have lived up to the hype.
I'm sure Urban's position is that he's glad it's not true, but he felt it his duty to report it. I'm sure he'd tell you he really wants to clean up recruiting and that it starts with coaches holding their fellow coaches accountable. If it helps him with a kid, well that's a side benefit.
I'm pointing the finger at Meyer in this matter, not the Gators. I've been one of Urban's strongest supporters, both on here and on the Blue-Gold site. I took such blowback on the Blue-Gold BB that I left there. Since then I learned about some shenanigans he was playing with some ND personnel since he got to Columbus and my opinion of him is not so supportive any longer.
Sorry Gator guys. Some of us have been telling you that Urban is a piece of **** for a long time. While you're welcome aboard the bus, you really can't act like this is something new. Just welcome to the club. hahaha Also, am I alone in this?? Most everyone I know has a strong dislike for Ohio State fans but seems to enjoy their coaches. I have hated nearly every coach Ohio State has ever had, but I have several Buckeye friends. When I tell people about this, they look at me look it's the strangest thing in the world.
Urban says it wasn't him, but ESPN says it has a source that says it was him. dum, dee, dum, dum....where's Jack Webb?
I don't hate Ohio State or Ohio State fans. Quite a number of them are the best we have here on Skybox. I do shake my head when a minor violation like this is turned in when every coach out there does the same thing. Including Meyer. As to my feelings about him, they are kind of mixed. I was a big supporter while he was at Florida and even when he was at ESPN. But his sudden recovery from the medical conditions that led to his retirement have always baffled me and our program was not left in as great a shape as most people though. Having said that I have no desire to get crossways with most Ohio State fans here.
I really do not know what to make out of all this discussion and accusations. No Doubt Urban is a relentless and competitive recruiter. Beyond that I would need to know more than what I see posted here. Corey, I can not believe you had disliked all of the OSU football coaches! Woody was just a big Teddy Bear and although he tore up a few yard markers in the Michigan games and punched out a Clemson player, he was a grand guy and historian on military history. :lol:
Meyer is a lightning rod. We NDers know something about lightning rods. His every move is fodder for the vapid talking heads.
The Mansfield Ohio news paper running a piece on Urban being a good guy? Was Urban's mom unavailable for comment? hahaha I don't know who would blame Urban for Hernandez. The kid was an asshole, but that's not Urban's fault. Urban's an asshole all on his own. If Meyer is familiar with you, he will use everything he knows about that situation to get right after you. He did it to ND endlessly. He'll do it to Florida now. I was just trying to prep the Gator guys for what is ahead. You won't find a lot of sympathy, but you'll find camaraderie in the 'Urban is a tool' camp.
Stu, the article I posted is rather bland and really had nothing to do with Hernancez. I happen to agree with what you article says, you can't blame Meyer for Hernandez. If anything he tried to help him. Hernandez is to blame for his problems no one else. Not Meyer, not the University of Florida, not the New England Pats, no one but himself. It pains me some to know he was a Gator but in the end he has brought this on himself and he likely will not see the light of day as a free man again. Not many will feel sorry for him.