With much lighter hearts than we thought. Jeanne's sister had a serious operation yesterday for what everyone thought was going to be serious cancer but it looks like it was caught in a very early stage and she is going to be fine. Thank God. So we will leave late morning for Jacksonville and go to the game with our daughter and son-in-law who live there. Our first opportunity to see the two grands who are in school there now since they started in August. One is in the marching band.
Enjoy the family and the atmosphere at the game... Hoping you will enjoy the outcome less but not holding my breath! :wink:
Bill, do you know the band's schedule? Like when & where the drumline might play, when & where the band meets in uniform, and when they march in? I wanted to try to get some fun gameday pictures.
The band gathers near Century tower about an hour before the game. They practice some and march to the stadium from there. After the game they gather again near Turlington Hall, they play the Gator Fight song and the Alma Mater and then the drum line performs. Since this is the first time we will see our grandson perform we will be there before and after with our daughter and son-in-law. Probably won't recognize each other but keep an eye out for a 70ish couple proud of their grandson. There may also be our other daughter and her husband and our granddaughter. She might be the easiest to spot she is close to 6 ft tall and a striking blond.
It would be fun it give it a try. We don't have tickets to the game so I'd have to convince my hubby it's worth watching the game on delay when we got home. Or I might end up just coming in solo. Sure would be nice to have the chauffeur drop off and not have to park. "Keep an eye out for a 70ish couple proud of their grandson." It's a big gameday weekend ... I saw about 30 Winnebagos leaving work yesterday with occupants that matched that description. Thanks for the picture. If I go, I'll be the one with the cameras looking dejected gong away from the stadium while everyone else is going in. Wendy
We made it! Saw the drumline at Turlington then followed them over to watch the warm-up. Kept an eye out for you, and showed your pic to my hubby, but we didn't see you. I was pretty focused on getting the shots I wanted, though. Hope you had a great time at the game with the family!
Wendy we left for the stadium before the band started playing, but after they gathered, because Cody was going to be in the pre game marching band. We will be back for Arkansas maybe we can give it another try. We also went after the game and watched the whole game but didn't see all the drum line. The granddaughter wasn't with us for the pre game gathering but was for the after game band show.