I guess nothing too crazy happend, you didn't manage to break the internet. Congrats to you and the Missus by the way.
thanks Scott. I wondered if JOCO was going to do a trip report. All in all, I just wish I had more time with my family. The wedding was great, everything was great. However, the wedding obviously dominated the activities of the 4 to 5 day period my family was out here. Mom and Dad stayed in Decatur while the rest of the clan stayed in Nashville the first and last night, staying in Decatur for the days in between. If I am lucky enough to have any of them back for a visit, I'll make sure to book their travel so they won't have the issues they had this time. None of them were deal breakers, but avoidable. Really it was just a great time. Perhaps the funniest thing was pulling up to our wedding location to find the events coordinator for the location waiting for me. I was 10 minutes late but I figured there was no way the bride was freaking out yet. When we parked, I looked straight ahead to discover that my brother and brother in law had set up a full alcoholic tailgate set up out of the back of their rental Jeep Grand Cherokee. Man, that chick needed to lighten up. Carrying booze around downtown is not illegal in the A&E District, which is where I got married. They can't bring it in and technically, they can't pour it in the street. If no one ever sees them pour it, there's really nothing that they can do to them. I made a quick escape inside the venue and informed my former mother in law what was going on outside. She is involved in the Downtown Development projects. She went outside to set the lady straight and gleefully reported to me that she had done just that. The only other 'bad' thing I did was contact my buddy Klink after the venue pulled out on me for the television. I had him bring a flat screen with this super antenna thing he used to watch TV when stationed in Texas. (he worked in the oil industry). I knew a lot of my friends are Bama fans and I knew the UT game was this week. I gave him 2 instructions, bring the TV and set it up discretely so the women won't freak since they are all against it. I walked in and the first thing you see is the bar, right next to it, the TV with the fellas hanging around it....When I busted his balls about his lack of discretion, he brought up the valid point that it wasn't at the alter or anything. It was good enough for me. My dad seemed to be okay with it. The bride didn't notice it. The moms ordered me to turn the game off during the ceremony, which I think is reasonable and it was a followed rule. Win win for everyone.
:lol: :lol: we really had a great time too I post some pictures on my facebook page. He took us to an Italian restaurant in Florence that was incredible, saw Carsons team beat a rival. The wedding was so nice and very Celtic loved every minute of it. wish you all could have joined us for it. My ND travel buddies would have enjoyed the weekend. and now we have a terrific new daughter in law She is amazing and we love her to death. As for my boys drinking... hey boys will be boys. cant wait to get them to ND We had a great time Jim has decided though he wants to travel first class now and no more coach.... said he is to old