Holy f*ck. We're screwed. I missed House for this ****?!?! At least we got a solid opinion on his stance regarding A-Rod and steroids.... (and that was... if you wind up taking short cuts, you end up banging Madonna) This guy is coming off as the most condescending US President that I can remember (which admittedly only goes back to Nixon).
I can't believe that idiot asked the question and I can't believe that the President bothered to even try to answer it. Did you notice that he blew off Helen when she wanted a follow up. He didn't want any of that crazy old lady.
T, George W Bush was absolutely crucified for eventually blowing her off. Also, it is of note, that he didn't answer her question let alone entertain a follow up. President Obama's handlers need to realize that they are not too far away from re-energizing a conservative movement in this country that has become far too splintered between the fiscal conservatives and the 'take 2 parts jesus, 1 part policy' conservatives. Obama virtually laughed at the possibility that the New Deal didn't 'save the American economy.' I mean, the guy scoffed. This isn't my interpretation, I live with flaming liberals who thought the same thing. Every single thing that W took heat from from his 1st day in office is something that Obama has already done, and received a total pass for doing. Did anyone actually listen to a word this guy said? I understand if you couldn't understand him because Obama is a God awful public speaker without a teleprompter. I would hope those that took shots at Bush for his lack of ability to be smooth off prompter would do the same for President uhhhhh Brack um yanno Obama uhhh' but I've seen to know that this guy is going to get the pass..
One thing about Obama, for a guy who is supposedly such a great orator he stumbles, say um,ah, um, pause, um ah, um....a whole lot.
He's only waiting for his "team" to respond through his ear piece so that they ensure he doesn't say something that could reveal his ultimate plan for American society....
He's considered a great orator by the media. But he proved in the debates that he's not very good on his feet. PJ in Jersey
His appearances, like the one in Fort Meyers, Fl are like tent revivals. When that old lady asked him what he could do about getting her a house, he walked up to her, layed his hand on her then kissed her cheek. She burst into tears. Watch the lady behind her, a nicely dressed middle aged white woman is overcome and starts mouthing " I love you Barack" over and over. Next thing you know he is going to start pulling tumors out of people.