JIF, Is it that your fingers get tired after a few words? Is that why you throw out these few word topics?
Im a man of few words..always have been. I dont like ratchet jaws who blab on. I state my business..and Im done!!
... but you could state why you feel this way. I mean, he has been in the news for things other than football since 1995. We have 13 years of crap he's done. What set you off this time?
He has been in the slammer now since September I think for Robbery and will be there for a long time. Did he pork his cell mate and make the news again?
Who's going to continue the search for the real killers of Ron and Nicole while he's in the big house? :?: :?:
For some reason, I thought he was already there. Maybe he was just in Jail awaiting transport to the big house.
Tom, today he was officially sentenced. You'll read about it soon if you haven't already. That's what precipitated Jif's topic.
T T...you need to keep up with day to day ( hour to hour) happenings!! I cant believe you missed the sentencing yesterday :shock: