Biggest game of Charlies career, it's his tipping point. Big loss and he likely won't be the coach next year, another 2005 and finish 10-2 sure he makes it. Win of any kind and he gets a statue outside the stadium! Also biggest recruiting weekend of the year.
I wish all of you Domers luck, but have picked USC, but not many confidence points. Looking forward to watching the game here on the tube. Don
For Tim: Seantrel Henderson, Chris Martin, and Louis Nix are amongst those who will be in for the weekend. Henderson is the guy least likely to be swayed, but who knows maybe a win and the excitement that will go with it will change his mind. Some have said that the academics are an issue for him, that is he isn't that interested in some place where academics are as emphasized as at ND, along with of course will Charlie be the coach next year.
eff these guys. eff them right in the ear with a chain saw. i have nothing objective to offer this week in regards to this topic. we need to beat these mother**93r# over the head with that GD horse and leave them to die. i really hate these s.o.b.s
You been reading that crap from Chris Galippo how he went to ND and was dissed by Charlie on his visit because Jimmy Clausen was there...oh boo hoo, hoo....I feel so bad. Now he wants to beat us, shocking.
So uh......maybe this week we see the ND fans put their confidence points where their heart is?.... :?: :shock:
The opening line was ND + 11 1/2. That alone is a slap in the face. If Charlie can't cover that then he should be outta here.
Hey I'm still in the hunt, you don't go to Vegas and bet Red because it's your favorite color. I want that coveted Jaskewitz Trophy!!
Well Michael Floyd is back practicing with the team and supposedly they are shooting for him to return in November to the team. That's good news! I wish he were available for USC but he's probably a little rusty.
nd <r>Terry,<br/> <br/> That Chris Galippo story sounds like a lot of bull to me. If I remember correctly he was USC's to lose the whole way. He is where he always wanted to be so what's the bitch....<br/> <br/> The Henderson kid is not coming to ND. You can put that in stone! He is more interested in his hip-hop and rap career than football the way I hear it and so is his father. No, I'm not making this up either. He is not ND material and there <B><s></s>is<e></e></B> a academic issue and I don't think he has any intention of trying to up his SAT to get into ND. The whole education thing is not a priority for him. Sorry big boy, ND takes people who really want an education as well as play football and are smart enough to do both. No big loss on this one guys. <E>8)</E></r>
Former Jimmy Clausen hater gone straight!! Greg "Douchebag" Doyel writes.... Jimmy Clausen It's not just a big weekend for Charlie Weis, but's huge for Jimmy Clausen as well, USC is the best defense he'll face have a game like Peyton Manning used to have when he played the Gators and he'll be a Heisman also ran pretty fast.
Some good blogs over on Irish Sports Daily the only ones you have to be a member to read are marked by a green shamrock. Give them a look. ISD Blogs
Terry, you really feel that if you don't beat S. Cal Charlie loses his job? I would be surprised if he has a good win - loss record but loses to S. Cal that he loses his job.
F8c% the whole lot of em Eff: Gallipo South Central Snoop Dogg That god damned horse The Song Girls (not that there's anything wrong with that) Barkley Conquest the Poodle Fight On Those nasty ass uniforms Will Farrell Foot high grass Bus rockin, one pant leg up wearing, side saddle cowboy hip hop wannabe McKnight Their offensive line Their shitty home stadium Husker, Im all in. Max points on the Irish. We're teabaggin Tommy Trojan! Do I think we'll win? What are the odds? Do we have a favorable matchup? I don't care about any of that. We better win. I'm sick of this trojan nonsense. The only good thing to come out of South Central is the coroner. Go IRISH!
Funny you should mention the red and Vegas thing Doc, I'll tell ya about my last trip to Vegas sometime, and how I paid for the room... Anyway ND fans and Alum, I dare ya, no....I double dare ya to show your TRUE allegiance to your faith in the Fighting Irish by just one time this millenium, putting the max confidence points on your team this week. It really should be every week, but I guess that's one small thing that RedSox and Huskerfans have in have to believe first.... :twisted: :lol: muuuhahahhahhahahahha......MUUHHHHHAHAHAHAHHAHHHAHHAHHA!!!