Anchors Aweigh my boys! It's Navy week. It's time to worry about those cut blocks the mids (legally) throw at your team. Plus the relentless ground attack. They put up 370 yds rushing on Ohio State, they still lost but still it puts a lot of pressure on your offense to score every time you get the ball because they hold on to the ball so long that it limits your time of possession. On paper we should beat these guys handily. I think we have way too much fire power on offense and should score at least 40 points on them. But we won't if we get off to a slow start and let them hang around. Defense, of course as always it's team defense, assignment football, no free lancing by safety's and LB's ..stay in your lanes, stay with your assignment. We've had time to rest and get ready for them, we play them every year, but the big concern is that we have a number of key guys who are freshmen and never played them. Those guys are the ones I worry about. Trumbetti, Hill, Cage, Tranquil, etc.
Doc!! This is from the sooner boards...
ND <t>I don't like this game and never have. Even when we win we stand a good chance of getting some of players hurt or out for the season due to the style of play Navy has on defense. I think the cut blocking should be outlawed. The Navy coach has been a real idiot the last few years too. Very outspoken in his hatred of ND. <br/> If we're going to war I want to be with these guys but this is football. <br/> <br/> We should be able to score on these giiys often enough and slow them down some. If we have turnovers or don't score every chance we get it will be a long game with these guys as we know from past experience.</t>
Navy students' video about beating ND, based on a Niki Manaj song. Described as 2 minutes of trash talk directed at ND. It's funny. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Windy, Rainy, Cold in DC Sat night. Seems like it favors the team that runs the ball! :? But then that Stanford game this year might have prepared us for bad weather games, I hope! I doubt if Sat will be that bad.
Notre Dame needs to win out. They need to win by convincing margins where possible. If they can beat Louisville convincingly that should be enough. Next year the Irish should really be loaded. Very few people leaving.
Oh and as much as I hate to say it, while a USC victory won't eliminate a 1 loss team like the above, we need teams on our schedule to win a lot of games. Fight On. :shock:
Man, F*ck those guys. I hope ND wins out, the SEC implodes with a massive 4 way tie of 2 loss teams (it's possible) and everyone just shits the bed. Just so long as we get another shot at Florida State.
its funny... <t>don't the polls go by strength of schedule?..I think I understand why Notre Dame wont join a conference!!!</t>