Just win. No celebrations. No dancing. No fancy shoes. Just win. We've registered every style point imaginable against these guys the past few years only to choke it away when it counts. I could give 2 shits if we win this 2-0 or 100-99... Just win.
ND <r><QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> ditto, ditto and double ditto. Just win the dam game! We have let them get away with wins when we had them too many times the last few years. <br/> <br/> Just win.</r>
It should be a good game and I predict a close score either way. I will not allow many confidence points on this one.
I think we need a bet... I'll put up one the those Texas size BAP's (Big Ass Pecan Pie)...to something tasty from Michigan. What say you Bobda! ps...gift certificates to Butt Hutt don't count!
Bobda will be a sure winner this year. I'm not sure how we can contain Denard Robinson. His career best games have been against us, and he's an experienced senior. The offenses of our past two opponents don't resemble in the least what we will see on Saturday. It almost doesn't matter what kind of defensive pursuit we levy against Michigan's offense. DR will outrun our fastest defenders and launch missiles intended for receivers who will have left our young, inexperienced DBs in the dust. Frankly, I don't see how we will be able to pull this one out. :cry:
Gosh Darn it Terry... You just had to bring up the BAPP didn't you... Just ordered one for us. Had almost forgotten about those! :?
Ok, Terry you are on. I guess my first question is do you want my portion of the bet to be cheese from Wisconsin or the jellies from American Spoon in Petoskey, Mi. which was my payment to you in a previous lost wager. Since AS has an online store, I can do either. The second question is why in the hell am I doing this? ND is a solid 6/12 pt. favorite and will be playing at night at home in front of a rabid, sold out crowd. The whole thing will probably resemble the football version of the movie “There Will be Blood”. Given the postings on the board upon hearing the news that ND joined the ACC was for ND to drop the M series like a wet dog, I am a little perplexed to see all this Irish blood lust sought against a team that my friends here seem so ambivalent about but life is full of mysterious things that defy my meager powers of comprehension . My Wolvies lack a quality running back and our OL is totally deficient in both pass protection and run blocking. Your offensive line is going to manhandle our soft defensive line and linebackers. If Kelley becomes bored watching your running backs strolling leisurely through the gaping holes carved into our defense by your offense line and decides to pass the ball, he'll find out that our defensive backs makes your inexperienced DB corps look like a squadron of NFL pro bowlers. My only hope is that that Denard can pull off another miracle as he did last year but Hoke already sold his soul to the devil in return for last year's win and there is a Satanic prohibition against selling your soul twice. I would offer to sell mine but, unfortunately, I sold mine years ago as a requirement to enroll in law school. But, if one is about to get his ass kicked, decorum calls for a stoic submision to the inevitable. So, I will make the bet without points and without whining and spend next week trying to figure out how to hide the financial loss from spousal scrutiny
Bobda when I made my comments earlier about my ambivalence toward the Michigan rivalry, I had forgotten how your annual pre-game and post-game comments enhance the quality of my life. Regardless of the outcome of Saturday's game, long live the ND-Michigan rivalry!
Kind of agree with all of that. My soul ain't worth much but it's still intact...I will put it on the line for my B1G brother. Not sure it's worth enough to bring home a win against those heathens. Well, I have the same spousal scrutiny problem but will offer to go halvsies with you against my good friend the pseudo Irish Texas dentist.
Oh no Bobda, we're not having any of your Wolverine witchcraft. I'm not buying it. Michigan should clearly be favored in this game. I just pray for a 1 point victory.
ND <t>We haven't been able to contain shoelace for a complete game the last two times we played. Why would anyone think we can contain him in this one? As long as he is in the game, UM has a very good possibility of winning.</t>