ABC has moved this to a National Night Game....the irrelevant Irish apparently are a big hit in the ratings no matter who we play even a bottom of the barrel ACC team. BC really is the worst team on our schedule, if the team is ready and focused we should put an epic beat down on these clowns. Go Irish.
BC is second on my list behind USC. We need to remind them that there is only one elite college football team in the country. They're living an illusion based on their success vs. ND over the past 15 years. It's time for payback.
Some recent painful history...they beat us 6 times in a row between 2002 and 2008. They are undefeated against ND when we are ranked in the top 5 (1993 and 2002). We have won the last 3 games though...last year was a nail biter in ND Stadium though. But we really should beat them handily. We should be able to play a lot of people in the 3rd and 4th qtr.
Don't we say that every week? I'm like Sid, I don't like these guys. They're a program whose greates wins are not championship games but games where they spoiled seasons for other teams. The miracle pass vs Miami and the 93 ND game in particular. Their successes are not crowns but turds that they left in other schools punch bowls. I hope we take Fredo fishing Sat. nite.
ND <t>BC....hmmmmmm. Of course on my list of most hated teams they are probably #4. Here's my list: <br/> <br/> 1. Purdue, 2. Michigan, 3. USC, 4. BC. 5. Miami<br/> <br/> Two words: WE WIN!</t>
I just want the win. At the same time, if we can hang half a c-note on these guys and make it a laughter, it won't break my heart at all.
Of course the win is job #1, always is...but at some point this Irish offense has to get untracked and start scoring points. Boston College will no doubt give us their best and will come out and be super fired up but we have to take that and then grind them into the turf. A close win will feel like a loss for most Irish fans.
I get what you're saying, but only losses feel like losses. Still, some teams deserve to get their ass kicked. BC is one of them.
ND <r>Corey,<br/> <br/> <br/> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> LOL<br/> <br/> couldn't agree more on that. they have some of the most dispicable fans in the NCAA. Watch out for flying batteries and soda cans! Terrible place to play but I love it when we win there. Hopefully, the boys will start off kicking their butts right away and half the crowd will be gone before the end of the 2nd qtr.</r>
Tim, I'm right there with you. If we give up a FG, I'll be pissed. I would love to see BC get crushed by us.. Will it happen? Who knows. I'm only half joking (as I have been for weeks now) when I say I have no idea what our offense is ever going to do.. Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't.. sometimes, it's a mix.. I really hope they show up on high octane for 4 quarters Saturday... And defensively, we just turn Carlo loose on run stop gap assignments.
Huh? Surely you jest. Did the Pitt win feel like a loss to you? If there are any Irish fans who ever feel that way, regardless of the opponent, they need to find another outlet for their misguided emotions.
It's funny but at one time I used to root for B.C., they were a Catholic school and all that, we didn't play them very much in those days and we won the first 4 times we played. I like Doug Flutie, cheered for him when he won the Heisman, was glad we beat them in the bowl of course. Then came Nov 1993 and it's been all down hill since then. I was really completely unaware of some of the animosity of their students towards ND and vice/versa....the term Backup College meant nothing to me. I liked Jesuits, even though truthfully I'd never met one, but their reputation for education was impressive. Anyway now I'm fully aware and want to beat those guys really bad!