I'm hearing reports that the Irish are recruiting a kid that plays for my daughter's high school... Trevon Brown at New Hanover high......I've been watching him for two years now. What's the scoop?
:?: I don't see him on the list of those previously offered. What position does he play? If it's a position of anticipated need, it might be a new offer.
Don't know if there is an offer, just saw his.list of schools expressing interest. He's a wide receiver. 6' 3", 200 lbs, 4.4ish, incredibly athletic for a big kid
Ha! If he's 6'3" and incredibly athletic, they had better be recruiting him or there will be an investigation! LOL!
He doesn't seem to be on our radar and not really anybody's. I looked him up in the Rivals database and he unranked, means not a 2 star or a 1 star and while he lists a number of schools he's interested in there is no school that has made an offer as yet.
I don't buy into any of these star rankings, do you guys? I mean, come on. I've seen kids here who are off the radar, but once a few offers start rolling in, they are 3 star guys. Well, why weren't they there before? The business of recruiting reporting is a game. I'm pretty sure I've been telling you guys this since the 1990s... Also, Kelly has a thing (admitted by him) for recruiting body and body types. Who knows if the kid is being recruited by Kelly?
Based upon what Trevon has said, his "list" are schools that have contacted him that he wants to stay in touch with....sounds like they have made some level of contact and he's interested.....uncertain about academics
When a kid is not even ranked at his position, zip, nada and doesn't have an offer by now...that says something.
Thus far, reportedly his only offer is from East Carolina...kid looks like the real deal to me, although I have no idea what level of competition he faces down here....I don't think NC high school football is very highly regarded but he also was a contributor on the 4A state champion basketball team <object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/R3rBQYqVTmI?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/R3rBQYqVTmI?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
NC HS football is pretty good, there are always some top players there... but something is going on if he is unrated and has only ECU for an offer. In this day and time there are darn few kids who have talent who are missed by recruitering services.
My guess is academics.....it is an inner city school and many of the kids are very disadvantaged both economically and for lack of positive role models/mentors.... The MVP of the basketball team - a ridiculously talented kid who could play at the 2 or 3 spot and star eventually anywhere but as a result of poor academics, was destined for the Juco route....Shaka Smart saw him play in the state tournament and was considering giving him a shot at VCU....the last day of school, the kid decided that it was a good idea to steal some gals purse and and run away with it while school admins were in pursuit....not a good decision. No Shaka, no VCU, no nothing.....very sad.
That's the answer...academics and apparently character issues...make him a big risk. JUCO will be a good route for him.
My post was misleading....Trevon was not the kid that stole the purse, that was one of his buddies - the MVP - on the basketball team. But I do think that academics are likely an issue.... Trevon plays hoops, but is not a star. He was the 6th man on the state championship team last year.
I don't know about all that. I just don't put a lot of stock in these recruiting services I guess. I remember when they were newer, I use to get mailers from rivals asking me to rank the recruits/prospects in my area. I'd never fill that out. I wasn't getting any money from them and why would I want to turn anyone onto the players I was going to recruit? It just didn't make any sense to me. What I've learned living here in Dixie for a bit over a decade now is that there are lots of these small town kids, and not all of them have stars, who will be on some pretty big rosters at this time next year.
Interesting kid. He's not big and he's does not posses blazing speed....Yet he was the MVP of The Opening which is the biggest/most popular recruiting combine of the summer. So he has talent. He did not receive an offer from either Texas or Texas A&M, and I know he really wanted one from Texas. Have no idea why Mack didn't offer, maybe it was his size. He's also all over the place on the recruiting sites. Rivals has him ranked just barely inside the top 250, but ESPN has him ranked as the #80 overall player in the nation and the #8 WR. BTW Corey Robinson has had a great start to his season and oh bTW he's grown to 6'5". He's rated a 3 star, but if he finishes the season like he's started he'll be a 4 star when its all said and done.