Big news here.....Cam is good to go for the SECCG. In a related matter, I am hearing from usually reliable sources that the FBI, in their investigation into criminal allegations into failed Alabama-based bank Colonial, have uncovered potentally significant NCAA issues related to Auburn not necessarily related to Newton but involving Colonial CEO Bobby Lowder and Board Member Pat Dye. Lots and lots of stuff going on here.....stay tuned.
Interesting that as I have read it his father is found to be guilty of trying to sell Cam's service's but Cam himself is found not to have knowledege of it. Stay tuned......
I must admit I am very surprised at the quickness of this decision by the NCAA A little different than the USC situation. (length of time for a decision)
This is BS by both the SEC and the NCAA!! Rules state if any family member ask for money the player is inelgible to play. Regardless whether Cam knew or not he is inelgible!! This smells of a BIG cover-up, starting with SEC Commish Slive.
Yes they do......and their decision here is somewhat mystifying. Can there be any precedent for this kind of decision and does anyone really believe Cam was an unknowing pawn in this? He had some strikes against him at Florida that says he might not just fly the straight and narrow.
I'm not sure this is over, but apparently they declared Newton ineligible, Auburn immediately applied for his eligibility to be reinstated and the NCAA agreed. All within 24 hours. ????? :?:
I'm confused... A woman pays $25 to attend a series of breakfasts at Notre Dame and this makes her a "booster" but Cam Newton's daddy shops his son around to all takers for $200,000 and he's not a booster? I think kp is right...
There actually is precedent for this HOP IN THE WAY BACK MACHINE AND SMELL THE HYPOCRISY That being said, I don't think this is done.
Some puzzling decisions in comparison..... The starting point guard on our women's team is Evan Turner's girlfriend....has been for several years. He took her with him to New York for the NBA draft on the plane that had been chartered for his trip.....she was suspended for 3 games for impermissible benefits. Go figure.... :roll:
Pretty good analysis of a dumb decision: Who's taking bets that the NCAA comes back later and undoes everything that happens from this point forward.....unless SC beats Auburn and the Heisman voters backlash to the news this week.
Some of the other conference commissioners are beginning to speak up - good for them. delany&st=cse
If this were a Florida player I would be extremely uncomfortable as a fan with the situation......especially if UF had been in trouble recently as has Auburn this past decade. Since the late 80s the last thing a UF fan wants to see is a brush with the NCAA. Losses are better than NCAA trouble. It would not be worth it to me to see my team go with the type of uncertainty and nationwide disapproval as Auburn is proceeding under with the decision rendered by the NCAA. In other words....a what price victory?
And if they know that they're dirty.....what the hell. MIght as well enjoy the fruits of our illegal labor. 4 yrs. from now when the **** hits the fan we'll let others worry about the cost.
So Auburn has acknowledged no contact with the father? Hard to believe if true. If what point does the player become ineligible? I have said before my intuitive take on Cam Newton is that something was up. Maybe I'm wrong but all the evidence keeps saying I'm right.
I'm sure that the dad is saying it was all him and that he kept it from Cam, etc...whether true or not. Would a preacher lie?