Now I have your attention. Are you watching these town hall meetings? Mainly bald old men and greyhaired old ladies. Plaid shirts and blue jeans are the standard uniform. The Speaker of the House, the third most powerful person in the nation. refers to them as swastika bearing Nazis, a mob. These people are "UnAmerican". Our soldiers in Guantanamo and in Iraq have been called Nazis by Sen. Dick Durbin for their alleged treatment of terrorist suspects. I'm beginning to see some parallels between Germany, circa 1925-35, and what we are seeing here. Somebody tell me I'm nuts. Please.
Madame Pelosi is flumoxed by these Nazis......she didn't mind these tatics back during the Bush Administrations attempt to reform Social Security. BTW: Aren't Nazi's left wingers by definition?
Two congressional staffers are taken aback by the turnout when they arrive at the local town hall meeting...