This company is right down the 10 freeway from me in Monrovia, CA. Their latest invention is a flying mechanical warbot that looks and acts like a hummingbird. It contains a small tv camera and it can sit unnoticed on a telephone wire as it spies on the enemy. I've read tech rumors that they're also working on a swallow and a dragonfly...
I read about this in the paper the other day. But in watching that video, it didn't really look like the wings themselves were moving fast enough to actually provide flight. I wonder if they'll work in Compton keeping an eye on the gangs!
Since I work for the DoD Army, I see videos on the latest stuff coming from time to time. I always wanted to invent a small camera that was very small that could move around without being detected. I really just think of this for Afghanistan and their caves. Just not sure if feasible by the Army since I see so much of the equipment as being way out of date. Simple things like good computer monitors are tough to come by. Same with computers.
8) re: gangs of SoCal If they're smart, they won't even worry about Compton. They have a huge gang problem right there in Monrovia! re: Army tech I suspect that a lot of tech stuff isn't being upgraded, because it's all going to be replaced by new game-changing technology anyway. The same thing is happening in our schools. Just yesterday our school librarian was put on notice that they may abolish school libraries...and textbooks... in our district as soon as next year. Students will be issued a Kindle or some similar device which will contain all necessary textbooks and wireless access to all district approved library books. BTW- I see that the Anaheim School District is forcing truant students to wear GPS devices so that the suits downtown can keep track of them. Who knows: maybe we can replace vice-principals too! PS. The won't teach cursive handwriting anymore next year either...