At least the girls VB squad is making him proud. First time in program history that NU women made final 4 in 3 straight years. Women's Bowling team up next!!
This would be the Huskers 5th Nat'l Championship in Women's Volleyball while it would be the Gators 1st. Interesting Women's Volleyball is a fall sport and Men's Volleyball is a Spring Sport, Ohio State is the current mens champion. I don't think there are a lot of men's volleyball teams. I know that neither Texas or Notre Dame have men's volleyball teams mostly as a result of Title IX I think. B12 doesn't have a Men's Volleyball championship and neither does the ACC. I doubt if there is any conference that sponsors Mens Volleyball, again I'm pretty much certain that Title IX is one of the factors. But even on the HS level, at least here in Texas there is no men's volleyball. I have to assume it's mostly a club sport around the country, but I don't know. Maybe on the West Coast they have HS level competition.
Both semis went 5 games. NU girls were down 2-1 and took game 4 into match points. I gotta tell ya, these games are more nerve racking than FB. I had to turn the channel several times. PSU was ranked #1 i guess for most of the year, but have lost 7 consecutive matches to NU. Should be a great finals Saturday nite. GOOOOOOOOOOO BIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGG REEEEEEEDDDDD!
One of our daughters played HS volleyball. I learned that it's like baseball, never over til it's over. A team can be down and get on a streak and come back like NU did vs. PSU. The clock is not a factor.
AJ, we attended a show last night that we had tickets for months in advance. We got home and I did get to watch the last two games. Nebraska was great, Congratulations. I am very proud of our Gator Gals but we came up a little short. Such is live. Congratulations again. But I still have to say. Go Gators!!!!
Congrats to the Lady Huskers. When does Bowling season start? Do you guys have a Curling team as well?
Girls Bowling starts Jan 12th! "In its 20 years as a varsity sport, Nebraska has become one of the top programs in the nation. Nebraska Coach Bill Straub has guided the Huskers to unprecedented success, winning 10 national championships, including five NCAA titles since capturing the inaugural crown in 2004."
Don, Ain't too many outside activities come January in these parts....kinda forces ya to get good at the indoor games...LOL....