Anyone else think that her stopping Romney about Libya and siding with Obama but then being wrong will come back to haunt her and Obama? Think this will come up again in Monday's debate? Crowley Plays Umpire Then Joins Team
They just can't help themselves. I'd love to see someone do a poll of the American people to see what their opinion has been about the fairness of the "moderators."
So do you think this is going to haunt Obama and Crowley both in the next debate and on campaign ads?
re: campaign ads Obama pulled all of his negative ads against Romney in the battleground states today. They weren't working. The president and his Chicago cronies had spent half a billion dollars in those states calling Romney a murderer, thief, liar, and greedy tax evader with no positive results to justify the enormous amount of money spent. When the American people saw Romney in the debates, they saw an honest, talented, and caring man who put the lie to everything the Chicago Machine had thrown against him. These debates, including the one last night, have been a disaster for Obama and his crowd. re: Crowley Everybody already knew that she was a hack who was in the tank for the Chicago Lefties. Nothing will change for her. She had no credibility to lose.