Its kickoff time :!: the following gentleman are MIA: GONZO, BICKER, TAILBACK, JOCO, :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Are you with us..or against us :?:
JIF, Everyone you mentioned but one is free to come back. Tailback went ballistic and his account was blocked until he cooled off and requested to come back. So far, he has not done so.
Tailback??? I was wondering what happened. TB if you read this...shoot me an e mail. Gonzo..JOCO.. lets get the show on the road :!:
Tailback's meltdown Specifically look at May 25th just after midnight. You will see where I deleted but documented two posts made by TB. You can tell by the response of George Krebs that it was pretty bad. Then I decided to use ********** to bleep out the profanity and post what he had written for all to see his meltdown. So far, there has been zero contact to apologize for his actions.
it sounds like he knocked back a few, mix in the loss of a loved one and he clearly stepped over the line. we've all been there. maybe not to that extent in this forum, but i can see where he'd snap on that. he should just sack up, apologize for going over the line and come back. btw-i am not making a critique of your decision in handling that situation. i think you handled it correctly.
I think he acted totally out of line and should show more respect for the soldiers fighting for the U.S. They didn't start the war. They didn't even send themselves there. That said, I can see how he was a little agitated at gipper's comment on Sherman's March. That was also out of line, IMO especially to someone from Georgia.
Granted, but TB was obviously in a very serious frame of mind and I can understand how he'd be offended at that. I'm not taking his side here, understand, I'm just making a point. Possibly a very minute, irrelevant but still a point.
Aquila, Memories run long around here. Let me give you a little history and I think you will see why I pulled the trigger and why some around here didn't care too much for Rodney. In the beginning, a lot of us were on Prodigy Classic's Sports boards. I know that I arrived in that community in 1989. Rodney was part of a three person group called the Georgia Trio. They were extremely rude and liked nothing better than to stir up trouble on the boards. They were pretty much hated by all. One of the many things that drew us members together from various universities was the hatred bond against the Georgia Trio. When Prodigy Classic was winding down in favor of Prodigy Internet, it was made public that the boards would not transfer... they would go away. We began making plans to form the Skybox at that time. Bill, Terry, and I were chosen as moderators. In getting the board up and running, we noticed a new member from Georgia that was behaving himself very well. This member, through e-mail confided in me that he was in fact Rodney and wanted to start fresh with this group. He made me feel that he had turned over a new leaf. I even met him close to his home. Rodney and I became friends and I championed his membership on the Skybox when people were informed of his actual identity. Rodney behaved himself and was a productive member of this board. Something happened a year or two ago that made him turn very negative. Even toward his beloved Bulldogs he was negative. Nothing, absolutely nothing he posted had a positive outlook. I talked to him several times to no avail. I e-mailed him three times after his meltdown asking him to issue an apology through e-mail to the ones he offended. That never happened. In fact, he never replied at all. Yes, people might have been short with Rodney. They were tired of his ways. I was tired of his ways. When Rodney went on his last rant, I felt responsible for believing in him and welcoming him to our community. Rodney was a very outspoken person. He spoke out against the President and the war on many occasions. IF he had a relative die in the war, I am here to say that I am sorry that happened. However, I will say this as well. I don't believe it. I believe that he would have mentioned that he had a close relative in the war as soon as that person was over seas. That was Rodney's way. If I am wrong, I'm sorry but I don't believe that I am. If Rodney makes his way back onto these boards, it will be by a 2 to 1 vote. I will be the one to vote no. I have been bit once, I will not be bit by the same dog twice. The only way my mind will be swayed is by request from a majority of members here. I don't see that happening.
Tom, I appreciate you taking the time to explain but you don't have to. Honestly. I think you handled the situation correctly. I'm also not faulting gipper for what he said. I just can see how someone would be offended at that comment especially when they're obviously in a very serious state of mind. I think you guys do a good job maintaining this board and "shepherding" those that go astray. I don't have a problem with the way you handled it at all. The guy got on my nerves too for that matter.
I agree with almost everything Tom said. What I don't agree with is his feeling responsible. First there is nothing for Tom to feel responsible about Tailback was a very productive poster here for a long time. Something changed and the only time he seemed to want to post was being negative toward other people programs, even at times to his own. I really don't remember the last time he was much positive about anything. That's not Tom's fault in any way at all. So far it's not an issue as Tailback has not requested to come back. Those other folks are staying away by their own choice. Only one of them that had any conflict with Skybox policies was Gonzo. He obviously didn't like our enforcing the Skybox philosophy in the last couple of years. He is welcome back as long as he follows the guidelines. That's about all I have to say about that. I will add one thing, it's a been a pleasure over the years, and I hope for many more to come, to work with Tom and Terry. This is not an easy type forum to balance and I think we have worked well as a team.
On a bit of a lighter note, I remember one of the first things that got me reading the old Prodigy board was those Georgia-Georgia Tech exchanges. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there were two main posters for each school--some of those posts were classic! RTR